/ / Unpleasant aftertaste of acetone in the mouth - a signal of illness

An unpleasant aftertaste of acetone in the mouth - a signal of illness

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth can be several: diabetes mellitus, protein diet, caries, tonsillitis, liver disease, stomach problems.

The unpleasant aftertaste of acetone in the mouth is familiar to allathletes - bodybuilders who adhere to the protein diet. Carbohydrates are the body's fuel, without which normal metabolism is impossible. In their absence, the process of protein breakdown does not proceed completely, forming ketones.

There is a taste of acetone and those who observe a strict diet and rapidly lose weight.

During a complete starvation in two or three -day there is a smell of acetone from the mouth. The reasons for it are similar in many respects to the diabetes mellitus. After the food stops coming, the body looks for alternative ways to maintain the required level of glucose. He has to turn to his strategic reserves, and this is just the protein that makes up the muscles, and the fatty layer.
Food imbalance in the fault or full lineabsence of carbohydrates in the diet stimulates the process of lipolysis (fat decay), which is designed to provide the human body with the necessary energy. Enhanced lipolysis leads to the fact that the liver receives an excessive amount of fatty acids, which are transformed into acetyl-coenzyme. Under normal metabolism, this substance actively participates in the formation of cholesterol and the resynthesis of fatty acids and only a small part of it goes to the formation of ketone bodies. The excess of acetyl - coenzyme is excreted from the body as a result of ketogenesis. The by-products of this chemical process cause a sharp smell of urine and a taste of acetone in the mouth.

The totality of the symptoms caused by the increasethe content of ketones in the patient's blood, in medical language is called acetone syndrome. In addition to starvation and an unbalanced diet, this condition provokes viral diseases, overeating (especially heavy food), stressful conditions.
The longer the period of diet or fasting, the clearer the taste of acetone in the mouth.

Надо сказать, что продукты этой химической Reactions are by no means harmless to the body. That is why doctors are dieticians so strongly opposed to all kinds of non-carbohydrate diets and starvation. In this case, in order to remedy the situation, it is enough to drink as much liquid as possible, which will help to remove the toxic products of the decomposition of fats. Of course, fasting or diet should be under medical supervision and only for medical reasons.

If a child or an adult has acetone tastethe mouth is accompanied by a distinct smell of acetone in the morning urine (ketones tend to accumulate). It is recommended to conduct an examination of the pancreas. Malfunctions in her work reduce the production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels. Diabetes is accompanied by ketonemia and acidosis, which just cause such symptoms. In addition, diabetes is characterized by severe thirst, frequent urge to urinate, dry skin and itching. An endocrinologist will help to establish the correct diagnosis. You can exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus on the basis of a blood test.

Complaints that smells of acetone from the mouth,Doctors and gastroenterologists are often heard. The reason for this may be, including diseases such as esophageal diverticulum. An unpleasant smell is provoked by decomposing food debris, which is retained in the resulting "pocket".

Doctors claim that the primary signsketonemia (the smell of acetone when breathing) is often observed in children and adolescents with a neuro-arthritic abnormality of the constitution. As a rule, children with NAAC are very thin, easily excitable restlessings and why. In such children, acetonic crisis is accompanied by severe vomiting. Often parents are confused by this disease, because an attack can last no more than a day, after which the child feels and behaves normally. The only visible signs of the disease are unreasonable vomiting and chemical odor, clearly felt when breathing. Attacks do not happen very often, so many mothers blame everything on an unhealthy diet, check the child for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but the real reason for the indisposition is NAAC.

An unpleasant odor or taste in the mouth often signals serious health problems. The doctor must establish the diagnosis, as well as select the treatment.

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