/ How to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal?

How to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal?

In the event that Windows notifies you ofweak signal of a Wi-Fi router, this may mean that the connection speed is too weak and does not correspond to the declared level. Even worse, if at some place in your apartment or office the signal disappears altogether. However, you can solve the problem with how to amplify the Wi-Fi signal yourself. There are several recommendations for improving the signal. You can see them below.

1.It is necessary to arrange a Wi-Fi router in the center of the future network, best of all indoors. If the access point is outside the building, then on the other side of the signal gain will be weak. If the computer is located on the second floor, and the router - a floor below, then it should be placed as high as possible, for example, on the cabinet. But do not worry if this is not possible, because there are many ways to increase the Wi-Fi signal.

2. It is not necessary to install the router close to the wall, on the floor and to metal objects, which will interfere with and interfere with the propagation of the signal.

3.If the signal is low, check the antenna of the device and replace it if necessary. The antennas that come with the Wi-Fi router are omnidirectional. If the device is located near the outer wall, then half the signal will go outside. Most routers do not allow you to adjust the power gain. If necessary, you can purchase an antenna that will provide amplification of the signal in one direction. To select a Wi-Fi signal amplifier, you can use the help of a consultant in a store specializing in similar equipment.

4.The problem can be related to the network adapter of the laptop. Typically, computers with the ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network have a sufficiently strong antenna, and the update of the network adapter is not required. This recommendation applies to laptops that do not have a Wi-Fi card. As you know, the signal should not only be sent, but also received by the computer. In order to connect to the Internet, the router can transmit a signal sufficiently powerfully, but not always the signal is well received.

5.To expand the range of the wireless network, which will solve the problem of how to strengthen the signal Wi-Fi, you need to install a repeater. In this case, you do not have to stretch the wires or worry about serious tuning. The Wi-Fi repeater is simply installed in the middle between the computer and the router.

6.A Wi-Fi router can broadcast a signal to several channels like a radio station. To amplify the signal, you can try changing the channel on the router configuration page. On the computer, you do not have to change the configuration, because he will automatically be able to determine the channel. To define the configuration page. you can refer to the instructions that came with the router. But, solving the problem of how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, we should not forget that network security is no less important than the performance and speed.

7.To amplify the signal, it is necessary to reduce radio interference. Many microwave ovens, telephones and other equipment operate at the same frequency as the router. If you actively use such devices, the computer may not catch the signal of the router.

8. Manufacturers of these devices very often produce an update for drivers and firmware. Often these improvements significantly improve the performance of the router and optimize the signal.

I.To improve performance, you should give preference to equipment from one manufacturer. Some of them even promise to improve the signal twice when using a full set of hardware.

We hope that now you will not have any problems with how to connect Wai-Fi at home and strengthen its signal. These skills are very useful for all those who use a Wi-Fi router.

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