Polyps of the anal canal and rectumtumorous benign growths are called, which come from the mucous membrane of the anorectal region. Often, their development is asymptomatic, but they can also manifest discomfort in the anal passage or itching, pain, and even bleeding due to the resulting erosion.
If anal polyps are infected, it cancause paraproctitis and anal fissures. It is necessary to remove rectangular polyps, because they are able to go into the malignant segment, they are referred to as precancerous rectal diseases.
Polyp called a tumor formation whichfastens a leg on a wall of a hollow organ. They belong to a fairly common pathology and are able to form in any organ of the digestive system. Anal polyps are benign formations and can occur both in groups or one by one. This disease can be detected in people of any age, even in children. Familial polyposis (hereditary), which is present in close relatives, tends to become malignant. Polyposis affects more men (one and a half times) than women. About 10% of people over 45, according to data from a study conducted by the American Cancer Association, suffer from intestinal polyps. 1% of cases of this disease becomes malignant. However, if the signs of bleeding (ozlokachestvlenie) were identified already at an early stage and timely medical assistance was performed, then the prognosis is much better (84% of patients survive).
Anal polyps can be divided bydistribution and number: multiple polyps in the form of groups of formations in different parts of the colon and a single polyp, as well as diffuse hereditary polyposis.
According to the morphological structure can be dividedpolyps on fibrous, glandular-villous, glandular, juvenile (cystic granulating), hyperplate and villous. Moreover, pseudo-polyposis is also distinguished when, in chronic inflammation, mucosal overgrowth of the polyp type occurs. What does an anal polyp look like? Photos can be viewed in the article.
Any specific manifestations of clinical,which would help to say with confidence about the presence of this pathology, rectal polyps are not available. The severity and presence of symptoms depend on the number of polyps, morphological structure, their size, location, and the absence or presence of malignant growth. But that's not all, very often the clinical picture is accompanied by symptoms of comorbidities.
Typically, polyps are detected duringendoscopic examination of the intestine for another disease. Large anal polyps may appear bloody or mucous discharge from the anus, a sense of the presence in the anus of a foreign body, discomfort. There may be pain in the iliac region, as well as the lower abdomen. Often, polyps can cause a violation of the activity of intestinal peristalsis, while contributing to the occurrence of diarrhea or constipation.
The most frequent consequence of polyps can be calledconstipation, because their presence in the lumen causes partial intestinal obstruction. A dangerous sign that requires immediate medical attention is bleeding, because it can be caused by cancer pathology, the detection of which at an early stage will contribute to a more successful treatment. The occurrence of the inflammatory process in polyps is most often suggested by abdominal pain. How to identify an anal polyp? About it further.
Due to the transition of polyps in the dischargeMalignant tumors of the colon revealed many cancer tumors. In this connection, it is possible to advise patients in the detection of polyposis to regularly undergo examinations with a proctologist for the malignancy of these same polyps.
Detection in polyps of the rectal wallmalignant growth at an early stage can contribute to the timely removal of the tumor and in 90% recovery. For the detection of terminal polyps and anal rectum using a digital examination of the anus. This type of research also makes it possible to exclude or identify other diseases, for example, rectal fistula, hemorrhoids, cysts and tumors of adrectal tissue, anal fissures. Finger research in men, including, allows you to understand the state of the prostate.
How are anal fibrous polyps detected?
Rectoromanoscopy - instrumentalinformative study of the rectum, which allows you to inspect the intestinal wall of the inner 25 cm in height from the anus. The main part of the polyps occurs in the sigmoid and rectum, they can be detected using a rektoskop. A colonoscopy will allow the doctor to visualize the entire colon and its walls. These techniques can be called optimal for the detection of polyps, as well as they contribute to the detection of other pathologies of the intestine and the study of its mucosa. The anal canal polyp, the size of which is more than 1 cm, makes it possible to detect irrigoscopy in the upper sections of the colon. If polyps were detected during endoscopy, specialists take a biopsy to conduct further histological and cytological studies.
It can also be noted among laboratory techniquesthe test of fecal masses for occult blood, which is produced if intestinal pathology is suspected. Modern methods of visualization of internal organs include computer and magnetic resonance imaging, which also contribute to the detection of pathologies of the large intestine.
It is necessary to distinguish a polyp of the anal canal from a number of other diseases of the small pelvis, its organs, such as:
Histological examination is of major importance in the differential diagnosis of colon polyps.
Conservatively polyps do not treat.If the size of the polyp and its location allow, then it is removed during endoscopy, and if not, by surgery. Low-lying polyps are removed transanally. Small polyps that were detected during a colonoscopy are removed during the procedure by endoscopic electroscission (the polyp stem is wrapped around a loop electrode and pinched).
How is the removal of the anal polyp?
The largest polyps are removed in parts.In rare cases, complications may occur with polypectomy in the form of bleeding and perforation of the intestinal wall. Removed polyps are subjected to histological examination. If cancer cells were found during the study, they raise the question of resection of the intestinal section that is affected. Hereditary or familial polyposis is treated by total resection of the colon and the connection of its free end subsequently with the anus. With the combination of adenomatosis and tumors of other tissues, Garder’s syndrome (osteoma of the cranial bones) only this type of treatment can produce a result.
This is what the removal of the anal canal polyp means.
In most cases, timely removal anddetection of polyps accompanied by recovery. But there are also frequent cases of recurrence after one to three years, so one year after the removal of large-sized polyps, a control colonoscopy is performed, and it is recommended to undergo endoscopy regularly, approximately every 3-5 years. The transition of a polyp to the stage of malignancy is directly related to the number and size of the formations. Multiple large polyps malignize much more often, since the risk of malignancy can reach 20%. The greatest probability of transition to cancer in familial polyposis.
Currently there is no specialprevention of polyps. To reduce the risk of their occurrence, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, maintain an active lifestyle, and promptly undergo examination of the digestive tract and treatment of identified diseases. The most important measure to prevent the development of rectal cancer is the early detection of polyps.