/ / Is engraving possible at home? What will be required to perform this procedure?

Is engraving possible at home? What is required to complete this procedure?

With the help of engraving, almost any object can be made unique. Also of note is the fact that products with inscriptions or images printed on them will be excellent gifts.

The popularity of engraving in the modern world

Home engraving
Many try to make personalized productsinscriptions that will be reminded of the events. Drawing them on gold and silver jewelry is very popular. A great example is wedding rings and heirlooms.

Metal engraving, made their ownwith his own hands, makes it possible to apply a variety of inscriptions and images on the surface. In addition, glass and plastic objects can be used for work. Apply the desired image by using a laser, engraver or shtihelya.

What is needed to apply the image on any surface?

Home engraving on metal,A glass or plastic surface can be made with a sharp object. The most common tool designed for this purpose is the engraver. It should be understood that all products that are necessary for engraving are produced by various organizations. At the moment, you can find such models engraver, as stand-alone and electric.

Metal engraving

Для гравировки также можно использовать буры.They will perfectly cope with the surface of any type. Boers can have different forms. Various materials are also used to make this type of tool. In addition, borax needed to perform different jobs. Diamond models are considered to be high-strength tools of this type. If you are a lover of engraving, then in your arsenal must be present borax made of metal and glass.

Technology of drawing the image on any surface of the house

To engrave at home does not cause any special complications, it is required to learn the technology of applying images. She's next:

  1. It is necessary to grind and polish the other side of the brass sheet, which is the front.
  2. Следует обезжирить выбранную поверхность, using a tampon and gasoline or acetone. You can also use a brush. But it must first be moistened in a solution that contains soda or laundry detergent. After the degreasing procedure is completed, it is necessary to leave the sheet alone for a while. Hands should not touch him. Otherwise, traces will remain on the surface.
  3. The selected sheet will need toned.To do this, you must use a solution that contains sodium sulfate and water. The more saturated the solution is, the tighter the tinting will be. When processing is completed, the surface of the brass sheet will become darker. The whole process can be accelerated by heating the workpiece. After darkening, rinse the surface thoroughly with warm water. This is required to get rid of the residue of the reagent. Then you should dry the processed item.
    Laser engraving at home
  4. You can start applying the image orinscriptions. To do this, you first need to apply contours. The smallest elements should be applied directly in the process of engraving. Using a sharp needle, it is necessary to trace the outlines of the image on the pebbles. After that, it must be removed. Insert boron for metal in the tip and circle the contours previously applied. In order to engrave at home did not bring disappointment, you need to be careful. Therefore, you must first practice on any metal plate. You need to move your hand easily, as if holding a pencil and drawing on a simple sheet of paper.

After the contours are finalinflicted, will only perform smaller elements. When home engraving is done, you will need to cover the sheet with a layer of varnish or wax.

What are the main ways of applying images exist?

Laser engraving is the mostcommon method of applying the image on any surface. Especially often it is used in the case of glass processing. Drawing turns to be applied to the surface using the latest equipment. Engraving is done quickly. But simple it can not be called, as required special equipment. In this regard, laser engraving at home, although it can be done, but with great difficulty.

Knife engraving at home
It is also worth noting that this kindapplication of images is dangerous to human health. You must exercise all your caution in order to prevent physical contact with the laser. In this regard, it should be noted another way of engraving, which is less dangerous. We are talking about the use of special chemical compounds.

This method of engraving, besides security,it is also distinguished by the fact that it can be used to create three-dimensional images on the surface of a part, which cannot be achieved by using a laser.


We made sure that you canput the image on any subject. You can, for example, engrave a knife. At home, to do this, as can be seen from the review, is not so difficult. The main thing is not to hurry and approach this process thoroughly.

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