/ / Epilation of the armpit: how to do it at home?

Epilation of the armpit: how to do it at home?

Epilation of the armpit is not such a difficult task, butbecause you want the effect to be as long as possible, the skin - beautiful, and the procedure - painless. Is it possible? Below is written about what methods can be used to epilation of armpits at home.

epilation of armpit


The most popular method is shaving.Still, a razor can be bought in any store, and the procedure itself does not take much time. But there are some drawbacks. First, the skin can be damaged. In addition, irritation may start, and it does not look beautiful at all. And even shaved hair literally a day or two begin to grow back and become more stiff and dark, there are "hemp".

epilation of underarms at home


Epilation of the armpit can be performed usingwax. The essence of this procedure is that the heated and softened wax is applied to the treatment zone and remains there until it cools. And after the setting, all this is removed, naturally, together with excess hairs, which, incidentally, break away together with the root. It is worth noting that this procedure is very painful. In addition, redness may occur.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser epilation of armpits, reviews about whichvery positive, can be performed at home, but only with a home laser epilator. This method of removing unwanted hair is very effective, for example, after several sessions, hair practically ceases to grow or become completely invisible. But this procedure has some contraindications (for example, with lesions and skin diseases, infections or diabetes mellitus) and is performed in compliance with the rules (prohibition of sunburn). In addition, the laser epilator is worth a lot of money.

epilation of armpits reviews


If you buy a portable photoepilator, then thisepilation of the armpit will be quite possible. You will have to spend a considerable amount, but the effect will be long. But there are some features of the procedure and contraindications.

The electric epilator

Such a device is quite affordable andused by many girls and women. But it is worth noting that in the case of treating the device with armpits, painful sensations and redness may occur. In addition, there is a risk of ingrown hairs.


This is the so-called underarm epilation,which involves the use of pre-prepared sugar paste, which is a thickened by the heating of a mixture of sugar, water and lemon juice.

Creams for hair removal

The action of the hair remover is based onthe fact that active substances literally dissolve the hair, so that they are successfully removed. But the root remains in place, so after some time the procedure will have to be repeated. By the way, there is a risk of allergic reactions and redness. Before using it is worth trying out the remedy on a small plot.

It is extremely important to choose the method of epilation, which will be the most optimal in a particular case.

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