/ How to make a paste at home?

How to make a paste at home?

Modern market of finishing materialsoffers the consumer a huge number of wallpapers for every taste, while for each of their kind requires special glue, which can be toxic. And since each of us wants to live in an absolutely safe housing for our own health, many owners use a completely safe, manufactured on the basis of natural ingredients, a so-called paste, instead of a factory product for wallpapering.

If at least once in your life during repairwondered: "how to make a paste", perhaps you are not indifferent to the health of your family members. Fashion for all environmentally friendly, including in the arrangement of their homes, has appeared recently. And if you have a small budget, self-preparation of wallpaper glue will help save a lot on repairs.

So, how to make a paste at home?First you need to determine the main ingredient. Such a product, as a rule, is prepared on the basis of flour or starch. Any flour is suitable for the preparation of the paste, but it is best to stop on rye or wheat grinding. At once it is necessary to tell, that one more advantage of the self-made paste, along with cheapness and safety for health, is its practicality and simplicity of use. If, after finishing the repair, after a while you decide to renew the appearance of your housing, you only need to moisten the walls with warm water, the wallpaper will very easily depart from them without leaving unevenness and roughness.

How to make flour paste?

Two-thirds of the enameled bucket should be pouredwater and bring it to a boil. The flour must be filled into boiling water evenly, slowly stirring the resulting mass. Its volume is one third of the volume of water. The solution is brought to homogeneity and density of the liquid dough. The resulting mass should be cooled to 30 degrees, strain through gauze and use as a regular wallpaper paste.

Important moment when using paste: it is not recommended to use the solution in a hot form. This can adversely affect the paint and wallpaper pattern.

How to make starch paste?

An enamel bucket should be filled with a coldwater, fill it with starch and gradually stirring, bring to homogeneity. In the resulting mass, add boiling water at a rate of 1: 8 (8 parts of water per part of the starch). The paste made on the basis of starch should be infused for an hour, at which time some more hot water can be poured into it to bring the mass to the desired density. Cooled and filtered product can be used for wallpapering.

How to make a good quality paste?

In order to improve the quality of the paste, you canAdd to it a little heated carbide glue on the water bath. At the same time, remember that this substance tends to leave yellowish spots on the paper. Use it only if you use a high-quality wallpaper. If you add a drop of carbofos to the paste, your insect will forget about your apartment, like flies, mosquitoes and bedbugs.

Important:when gluing the wall should be smeared with hot paste, and wallpaper chilled. The finished product, regardless of the main ingredient, can be stored for no more than a day, after which it loses its basic qualities and becomes unsuitable for its intended use.

The answer to the question:"How to make a paste at home?" Is very simple. This will require an enamel bucket, water, flour (starch), your diligence and a little patience. Wallpaper, pasted with the help of this tool, perfectly hold on the walls and are easily removed from them when it appears necessary.

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