/ / Candles with propolis - not yet a panacea, but ...

Candles with propolis - not yet a panacea, but ...

In our time, propolis, as in the long gonetimes, is used in medical practice in traditional and traditional medicine. The popularity and scale of the use of propolis can be explained by its complex composition. It includes substances that can enhance the immune system, it has a pronounced antimicrobial, antioxidant, anesthetic, antitoxic and anti-inflammatory form. It is used for diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, urological and gynecological diseases.

Propolis has excellent restorativeproperties, it is used by dentists, dermatologists and other specialists. All substances included in propolis enter the human body in a favorable ratio for it. Micro- and macro elements, mineral constituents and other components of propolis stimulate biological centers and contribute to the normal functioning of the organism. Propolis does not cause harm when used in its pure form, as well as in combination with other medicines.

Practice has shown that using it withother drugs significantly enhances their healing properties. Prolonged use of antibiotics leads to the fact that viruses and microbes produce immunity against them, when using propolis, such addiction does not occur, due to its unique properties. Propolis in the form of a medicinal preparation is usually offered in liquid or soft form. The liquid form is in the form of an extract or tincture. A soft form is presented, as pasta, ointments and candles with propolis.

The range of propolis is quite large,from a small wound to a serious disease. Treatment and manufacture of medicines from propolis is possible at home. It is very convenient in this way to treat gynecological and urological diseases. One of the effective drugs for treating these diseases are vaginal and rectal suppositories with propolis. To treat such diseases as prostatitis and prostate adenoma, erosion and hypoplasia of the uterus, hemorrhoids, rectal cracks, constipation, ulcers and a number of other diseases, candles with propolis can provide effective help.

To date, there are quite a fewrecipes for their preparation. Candles with propolis from prostatitis contain propolis and cocoa butter, as the main components, to enhance their action, you can add therapeutic mud, ginseng, fir oil.

For the manufacture of rectal suppositoriesPropolis put in a freezer after a couple of hours to break it up to a powdery state. Take 40 gr. powder and pour 220 gr. alcohol, carefully stir and allow to infuse for about 10 days, while you need to shake this mixture daily.

По истечении указанного срока нужно смесь put in a water bath and evaporate the remains of alcohol. When propolis is prepared, it is necessary to mix it with cocoa butter (in extreme cases, butter), pour into preformed molds and add fir oil. The prepared candles are stored in the refrigerator in hermetically sealed containers. fir oil is a fairly volatile product. Candles with propolis, obtained in this way, contain microelements, vitamins and biologically active substances, all these components enter the bloodstream in contact with the mucous membrane.

Свечи с прополисом желательно принимать перед sleep, enter them into the anus. The course of treatment lasts about 30 days, after a 10-day break, you can repeat the procedure. Contraindication may be an allergy to pcheloprodukty and cancer.

As a result, the body receives additional support, immunity increases, inflammatory processes are reduced, circulation of blood is stimulated, and the process of recovery begins.

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