Lipoic acid

Lipoic acid is biologically activeadditive, used in the treatment of the nervous system in people with diabetes. This drug serves as a good defender of brain and liver cells, and is also a strong antioxidant. Admission of lipoic acid prevents the appearance of cataracts. This drug is easily absorbed by many tissues of the body.

The use of lipoic acid

In patients with diabetes, this biologicallyactive additive is a good tool for pricking and numbness, as well as other symptoms that indicate the defeat of the nervous system of the body. In addition, it is able to reduce blood sugar.

The use of lipoic acid preventsthe development of glaucoma and protects the body from radiation damage. This remedy protects the liver with hepatitis and alcoholism, as well as exposure to toxins of chemical origin. In patients with AIDS, lipoic acid prevents loss of memory.

The capsules and tablets are the form of release.

Lipoic acid: medicinal properties

In the middle of the twentieth century,that this acid when interacting with certain enzymes allows the body to increase the production of energy. By the end of the last century, powerful antioxidant qualities of this drug have been proven, which help protect cells from destruction by free radicals.

Lipoic acid is found in meat, liver andbrewer's yeast. A small amount of it can be produced by the body. However, the required volume of this substance can not be obtained in a natural way. That's why experts recommend the use of lipoic acid as an additive to food. This substance has an effect on virtually all cells of the body.

Lipoic acid increases the effect of vitaminsgroup B in processes aimed at obtaining energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which the body can accumulate for further use. Also, this additive helps to enhance the effect of other antioxidants on free radicals. Due to its chemical composition, lipoic acid is easily absorbed by the cells of the nervous system, as well as by the liver and the brain. In this regard, it has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of various diseases.

One of the main activities of this substanceis the restoration of damaged nerves, including with neuropathy, which is a complication of diabetes. One of the reasons for neuropathy is an increase in the effect on cells of free radicals, due to increased blood glucose levels. Lipoic acid, being an antioxidant, reduces these processes, having a beneficial effect on nerve fibers. Also due to this property, it increases the sensitivity to insulin, which regulates the level of glucose in the blood. One of the remarkable properties of this acid is the ability to increase the flow of blood to the nerves, which increases the conductivity of nerve fibers. It is this ability that explains the possibility of using this substance in case of anemia and tingling. You can use this tool for glaucoma.

Scientific research has shown thatLipoic acid can improve memory and protect brain cells from damage caused by insufficient blood supply. This property is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Lipoic acid during pregnancy is used whenprovided that the expected effect of treatment will exceed the potential hazard to the fetus. But breastfeeding when taking this drug should be discontinued.

Injections of lipoic acid are used to save people poisoned with poisonous mushrooms.

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