Apparently, in human nature it is not "waiting"favors from nature, "but to create varieties and species of plants that have attractive properties, independently, artificially.
The term "hybrid" in botany refers to an organism obtained as a result of crossing distinct forms. As a result, the genetic material of different cells is combined in one single.
Of course, cases of naturalhybridization: for example, grapefruit is the result of a natural crossing of pomelo and orange, but in the vast majority of cases this process is carefully controlled. The hybrid of cherry and cherry, mandarin and orange, peach and nectarine, plum and apricot - all these are the results of many years of painstaking work of biology scientists.
The desire of breeders to experiment onthe breeding of hybrids of various fruit plants is explained by the desire to improve their initial characteristics: yield, pest resistance and disease resistance, frost resistance, as well as to obtain new palatability, improve appearance or improve transportability.
Cherry is a popular plant, so breederscould not bypass it by any means. Several successful cherry hybrids are known. Firstly, a cherry can be crossed with a cherry. The hybrid is called dyuk and has increased winter hardiness and resistance to certain diseases, as well as fruits that are sweeter than cherry. The cherry hybrid with cherry plum is very beautiful during flowering, perfectly tolerates frosts and does not require careful care. There is also a hybrid of cherries and plums, the fruits of which have a unique double taste. Finally, it is possible to name successful works of breeders on crossing of a cherry with the Japanese bird cherry Maaka. On this hybrid, we will dwell in more detail.
The cherry and cherry hybrid is not very widely known.As a rule, beginning gardeners about him did not hear anything at all. However, by crossing these plants, it is possible to obtain as many as two interspecific hybrids: the paddock and the ceradagus. These names may seem a little tricky and worthy of dinosaurs rather than fruit trees, but in fact everything is simple and logical: they are formed from the Latin names of cherries (Cerasus) and bird-cherries (Padus). Figuratively speaking, cerapadus - a hybrid of cherries and bird cherries, whose mother - cherry, and dad - bird cherry. This option was more successful and in gardening found a greater distribution. If the flowers of the bird cherry are pollinated by the pollen of the cherry, then it will turn out to be a paddocker.
I must say that for crossing with cherriesonly the Japanese bird-cherry Maaka, combining the traits of both bird cherry and cherry, but having bitter fruits, is good. In some sources, it is now referred to cherry, although it will be fairer to say that it occupies an intermediate position between these species.
Cherry and bird cherry hybrid, whose photopresented in the article, looks more like a bird cherry tree, and its fruits are located on the tree with brushes: several pieces on one peduncle, and not alone or in pairs, as happens in cherries. The berries are dark, almost black, juicy, tastes from sour-bitter to sour-sweet. Outwardly, the fruits of the cepadagus resemble cherries to a greater extent.
Initially, as a result of breeding in the 1920sIn the last century, Michurin received 3 species of cerapadus: No. 1 (from the steppe cherry and Maca bird cherry), cerapadus large (the ideal type of cherry was used) and cerapadus sweet. The fruits of cerapadus No. 1 were not only bitter, but also poisonous, since they contained cyanide acid.
Гибрид вишни и черемухи даже сейчас, спустя много years of work of breeders, the fruit has not been particularly sweet. Interestingly, the more frost-hardened are the cerapadus, the more bitter berries they have.
Repeated crossing of cerapadus with cherryled to the emergence of popular varieties. For example, the varieties of ceradagus The long-awaited and Novella have fruits with a completely "cherry" taste and size, the Prieststitutskaya variety is distinguished by large bunches of berries, and Rusinka has an especially high winter hardiness and is quite suitable for fresh fruit. More often than not, the crop of cerapadus has a technical purpose and is used for juices and syrups.
A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry is appreciated for the fact that hereally has a high resistance to frost and has a very well developed root system. Another important property - the resistance of ceradagus to diseases - was recalled in the 60s of the last century, when cochemicosis collapsed into cherry orchards - a disease in which the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall early in the summer, and the trees themselves become weaker and do not survive in winter. Cerapadus in this case are successfully used as a rootstock for seedlings of varietal cherries, simultaneously significantly increasing their frost resistance.
On a note:the rootstock is that plant to which the stalk with the kidney of the cultivator of interest is planted. The rootstock plays a very important role: it provides complete nutrition to the upper part of the plant, i.e., the scion.
With regard to care, the cerapadusunpretentious, can grow in any place and on any soils, special attention is not required, including treatment with fungicides. Care is reduced to pruning, forming a bush or the crown of a tree, and weeding the stump. Regular feeding is also not necessary.
The cerapaduses reproduce, as befits hybrids, exclusively by cuttings, in order to avoid splitting of acquired traits.
The cherry fruit has a very rich composition:vitamins A, C, E and group B, organic acids, micro- and macro elements. In folk medicine, cherries are used as an expectorant, antipyretic, antiviral and bactericidal agent, as well as for the prevention of heart diseases. Cherry juice lowers blood coagulability and increases hemoglobin.
Cherry fruits due to high contenttannins are very effective as a fixative, while normalizing the work of the intestines and improving the condition of the walls of the stomach. Used bird cherry and as an anti-inflammatory. Bird cherry Maaka in general is extremely rich in biologically active substances.
It is impossible to say whether Celapadus inheritedabsolutely all useful properties of both their "parents", but it is reliably known that the decoction of its berries has a pronounced antipyretic effect, and the fruits themselves have a rich chemical composition.
The fruits of cerapadus are a storehouse of vitamins, thereforeeven those who are not good at cooking can always just freeze the berries in order to use them for compote or fruit drink in the winter. In general, if the question arises as to what to prepare from a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry, it is enough to adopt any traditional recipe in which its “parents” appear. Thus, you can make jam, make liqueurs and liqueurs, and you can use these sour berries as a filling for pies and pancakes.