/ / Footbridge: what is it? Description. Pain in the epigastric region

The epigastric region: what is it? Description. Pain in the epigastric region

The epigastric region in medical practice servesprojection guidance of internal organs. Another name for this zone is epigastrium. Given the localization of the pain syndrome, the doctor during the examination of the patient reveals the site of the lesion, and also establishes a preliminary diagnosis. Where is the epigastric region? The epigastrium is located just below the xiphoid process. The epigastric region corresponds to the projection of the stomach on the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

Clinical picture

epigastric region

Pain in the epigastric region occurs whenpathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to determine exactly which part of the digestive organ is affected, it is required to establish the intensity of pain sensations from the midline of the body. Soreness blunt or acute, as well as whining and arching nature may indicate gastritis or gastric ulcer. In these cases, the patient feels discomfort in the sternum along the esophagus. As a rule, pain is not associated with physical activity. However, discomfort may occur in connection with a violation of the diet. Usually the pancreas begins to disturb the lovers of spicy and sour food, strong coffee and other products. In the period of greatest exacerbation, vomiting is observed. After it, the sensations of pain usually disappear. To prevent such attacks, you should strictly follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. To relieve these symptoms, it is recommended to apply a warm heater to the epigastric region, drink a weak tea or hot water.

pain in the positive area


In case of discomfort in the epigastriumit is necessary to establish its relationship with the use of food. With the appearance of attacks in half an hour or an hour after eating the pain is called early. Its duration usually ranges from 1-1.5 hours. After receipt of food masses from the stomach into the intestines, such sensations pass. If, after eating, one and a half to three hours have passed, and the epigastric region began to disturb, then it is called late. This is due to the penetration of gastric juice into the duodenum, causing irritation of its mucous membranes. Patients with these symptoms tend to feel "hungry pains." They begin 6–7 hours after eating a meal and end after a meal. People suffering from an ulcer of an organ in the digestive system have pains at night. They usually arise from 11 pm and continue until about 3 am.

Torso position and physical stress

When lowering the stomach pain significantlyintensified when the human body is in an upright position. In the case of adhesions with the surrounding organs, sensations are aggravated by lifting weights and changing the position of the body.

Nature and intensity

where is the epigastric region

Diseases of the stomach are accompanied by the most often achingor cramping pain. Usually they are moderately intense. However, perforation of gastric ulcers is characterized by strong "dagger" pain. In addition, the frequency of attacks is inherent in ulcerative pathologies (pain alternates with the stage of absence of symptoms), seasonality of exacerbation (manifested mainly in the spring-autumn period and passes in the summer).


To achieve the highest results,complex therapy is used to reduce the acidity of the stomach, the healing of ulcers, the destruction of harmful bacteria, and a gentle diet. Epigastric pain can reduce antacid drugs, which tend to envelop the gastric mucosa. In the treatment of malignant tumors relief only bring narcotic analgesics, without them therapy is impossible.

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