The drug "Sermion" - a drug that dilates blood vessels, has an alpha-adrenolytic effect.
Насколько эффективен медикамент "Сермион"?The doctors' comments mark his ability to reduce resistance within the vessels, normalize the arterial blood flow. The drug accelerates the speed of peripheral blood flow (in the limbs). It improves blood circulation in the lungs, the brain, thereby providing them with increased supply of glucose and oxygen.
Sermion is presented in pharmacies in two treatment forms: in the form of tablets and lyophilizate for the preparation of injection solutions.
Tablets may contain from 5 to 30 mg of active ingredient nicergoline. In one vial for injections is 4 mg of nicergoline.
The drug "Sermion" is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases associated with circulatory disorders. It is actively used to treat:
Do you prescribe the drug "Sermion" for children?The experts' opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that microscopic doses of drugs can benefit babies. Most doctors are against the prescription of the drug for children. They explain this very simply: the drug "Sermion" for children is not intended, because they usually do not have diagnoses, in which they recommend treatment with this medicine.
Treatment with the drug lasts a long time,and the effect of its application appears gradually, as the composition in the body accumulates. The drug "Sermion", the doctors' opinions on this issue are unanimous, is prescribed on average 30 mg per day, and the course of treatment can last up to a year. It is important that the attending physician conducts a monthly examination of patients, controls the content of creatinine, uric acid in their bodies.
What do patients think about the "Sermion" preparation?The overwhelming majority of those who took the medicine noted its high effectiveness. Patients noted the normalization of pressure, a gradual decrease in the number of migraine attacks, the disappearance of headaches. The majority showed improvement in cognitive abilities, increased concentration of attention.
Медики регистрировали улучшение состояния больных Reynaud's syndrome, noted the normalization of peripheral circulation in all who took the medicine "Sermion." The responses of specialists describe the drug as an effective, reliable and tested remedy.
A detailed study of the drug found that it is not compatible with compounds that excite the nervous system: some drugs, alcohol.
Adverse reactions with medicationare rare, but it is impossible to exclude them entirely. During the initiation of treatment, patients may experience a sharp decrease in pressure (especially after injection), dizziness, flushing of blood to the face or head. Very rarely the drug causes dyspeptic disorders, and even less often - sleep disorders. If such symptoms occur, you just need to adjust the dosage or cancel the drug. Even an overdose of the drug "Sermion" is nothing, except for a temporary decrease in pressure does not cause.
Contraindicated drug only pregnant, nursing, individuals with individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug, the cores.