/ / Kidney stone in pregnancy: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Birthstone: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting andhappy periods in the life of any woman. But sometimes the expectation of the baby is overshadowed by various problems with the health of the future mother. In recent years, women in an interesting situation, are increasingly diagnosed with diseases of the genitourinary system. One of the most common problems are kidney stones during pregnancy. The consequences and treatment of this ailment will be described in today's article.

Features of kidney function during pregnancy

During all nine months from the moment of conceptionon the body of the future mum lies a double load. And this applies to all organs, including the kidneys. During pregnancy, the latter have to process and remove from the body the products of life, not only the woman herself, but also the fetus. In this period there is a significant increase in the volume of excreted urine. In the last months of pregnancy, this figure increases to 1200-1600 milliliters.

kidney stone in pregnancy

In addition, the progesterone present in the bloodcontributes to a decrease in the tone of the bladder, resulting in a stagnation of urine. The combination of these factors often leads to the fact that the future mother appears kidney stones. During pregnancy, the fast-growing fetus puts pressure on the female's internal organs. As a result, the risk of various pathologies is significantly increased. To avoid serious health problems, it is necessary to visit the doctor regularly from the fourth month of pregnancy and strictly follow his instructions.

Causes of the problem

There are several factors thatthere is a stone in the kidneys during pregnancy. Most often, this pathology is associated with the changed hormonal background of the woman. In the body of the future mother, the concentration of progesterone sharply increases. This hormone not only allows you to prevent miscarriage, but also promotes the appearance of kidney stones. It suppresses the activity of the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, which leads to stagnation of urine.

kidney stones during pregnancy

No less common reason whythere is a stone in the kidneys during pregnancy, it is considered a physiological decrease in immunity. It is this factor that most often provokes the development of inflammatory processes. Infection that occurs in the urinary tract, in combination with stagnation of urine promotes the formation of stones.

Equally important is the reduction of motoractivity, leading to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and the diet of a pregnant woman. The future mum needs to carefully monitor their diet. During pregnancy, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of meat products, since they contribute to the formation of salts of uric acid.


Kidney stones in pregnancy (treatment of thispathology will be considered a little later) can be recognized by several key features. As a rule, this ailment is accompanied by sharp aching pain localized in the lower back. Sometimes they give in the stomach, thigh or crotch. If the stone has scratched the wall of the ureter or renal pelvis, then urine may have blood.

kidney stones during pregnancy what to do

To other features that allow us to recognize thispathology, you can classify flatulence, nausea, fever and chills. Also, the vast majority of patients often experience vomiting and painful urination.

Diagnostic Methods

При возникновении малейшего подозрения на камень in kidneys during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will recommend a series of laboratory tests and additional studies. All this will help in the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

kidney stones during pregnancy treatment

As a rule, in such cases, a generalanalysis of urine (according to Nechiporenko or Zimnitsky), which allows to determine the concentration of salts, as well as biochemistry of blood for urea and creatinine. In addition, the patient must be sent to the ultrasound of the kidneys. This is one of the safest methods of research, allowing to identify pathology.

Pregnancy and kidney stones: what is the threat?

Сами по себе они не опасны для здоровья будущего baby, since they have absolutely no influence on the formation of the organs and tissues of the embryo. The real threat arises only when there is a large stone that clogs the duct and causes stagnation of urine. Therefore it is very important not to delay with the treatment of this pathology. In those cases when the disease is aggravated by an infectious disease, there is a risk of infection of the placenta of the fetus.

In addition, a stone in the kidneys during pregnancyoften accompanied by inflammatory processes and pain. Severe colic, accompanied by severe fever, can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. In addition, a stone moving along the ureter often provokes the detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall.

What to do during a bout of colic?

Как правило, резкая боль появляется вследствие The fact that the stone in the kidney during pregnancy (how much more dangerous the state for the health of the future baby, we have already found out) covers the ureter and prevents the excretion of urine. Therefore in such cases it is necessary to try to occupy such a position, in which it will move and open the channel.

kidney stones during pregnancy

To relieve a spasm, you can take an anestheticmedicinal product recommended by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use any medications that are not prescribed by the doctor. At an attack of renal colic it is forbidden to take warm relaxing baths and conduct any warming procedures.

How to treat kidney stones during pregnancy?

What to do in such situations, should decideonly a doctor. As a rule, a decision is made about drug therapy. Operations during pregnancy are done only in exceptional cases. Surgical intervention is indicated only when the stones have caused a fast flowing purulent process or provoked acute renal failure.

Treatment of kidney stones should be comprehensive.Therefore, the intake of drugs is almost always supplemented with a special diet. A special diet allows you to facilitate the work of the kidneys and makes the therapy more complete.

pregnancy and kidney stones what a threat

With urate stones from the patient's dietrecommend excluding meat. In this case, the diet is based on dairy and vegetable products. If there is a lot of calcium in the stones, then it is desirable to include cereals and meat in the menu. In this case, you need to completely abandon eggs, milk and legumes. They should be excluded if they are found in oxalic acid stones.

Preventive measures

Kidney stones, like any other pathology,better to prevent than to engage in treatment. Prevention is reduced to the correction of the diet, an active lifestyle and the reception of herbs based on herbs prescribed by the doctor.

To avoid the formation of stones from the menupregnant women need to completely remove carbonated drinks, smoked meats and fried foods. It is also undesirable to use chicken eggs, potatoes, peanuts, chocolate and a large amount of confectionery. Products such as bananas, apples and watermelons have a beneficial effect on the kidneys. For the prevention of urolithiasis, buckwheat and millet porridge can be used.

kidney stone during pregnancy how dangerous

As for drinks, to preventThe development of pathology is recommended to use fresh juices, as well as herbal and berry decoctions. Lingonberry, blueberry and parsley are best suited for this purpose.

In addition, you must regularly visit the doctor and systematically pass the required tests. All this will allow you to track the slightest disruption in the body and not to miss the initial stage of the disease.

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