/ / Cure for the cold

Cure for a cold

Cures for the common cold, which we most oftenuse, are vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. Getting on the nasal mucosa, they quickly narrow the vessels, leading to the elimination of edema, which blocks the access of air. There is also a slowdown in the rate of mucus formation. As a result, it becomes easier to breathe.

The most common remedy for a coldcontain xylometazoline. The duration of their action is about four hours. Effective cure for the common cold of this group is Galazolin. It is produced in the form of gel and drops for adults and children. Also a good help Spray "Cones". For sprays in general, a more accurate dosage is characteristic, an economical consumption and a practical absence of undesirable reactions to the drug. However, during pregnancy and lactation, these drugs should be used with caution.

Often cure for the common cold contains such acomponent, like oxymetazoline. This group of funds includes Nazivin, Ferveks and Fazin, Nazol. All these drugs are contraindicated in diabetes, pregnancy, kidney problems, children under 1 year.

Nazivin is of different concentrations,drops and in the form of a spray for adults, there are special means for children. The action of "Nazole" is longer, it contains components that reduce dryness in the nose.

The obligatory component - naphazoline - is included in such facilities as "Sanorin" and "Naphthyzine". At cost, they are one of the cheapest. Their action is limited to 4-6 hours.

You should be aware that the vasodilator medicine for the cold should not be taken for too long (no more than 3-6 consecutive days), as it is addictive.

Good means, proven to be effective, are "Tizin" and "Farian". These drugs last very long - up to eight hours.

Particular attention must be, there is a risethe question of how to treat a chronic cold. In this case, a very frequent use of drugs is required, which can lead to a malfunction in the nasal mucosa, its thinning and brittleness of the vessels. Therefore, drops and sprays with this form of cold should be used with caution as an auxiliary component in complex therapy.

The effect of vasoconstrictive drugs is enhanced,if it includes an antihistamine component that prevents swelling and allergic reactions. Such means include "Sanorin-analegine" (drops) and "Vibrocil" (spray, gel and drops).

A new good cure for the common cold is the Italian "Rinofluimucil" (spray), which gently and efficiently dilutes the thick discharge from the nose. It is recommended to use it from 3-4 days of a common cold.

A separate group of funds also help to fightwith microbes. It is an aerosol "Dr. Theiss" (contains vegetable components), "Pinosol" (neutralizes microbes and promotes the recovery of mucus), ointment for the nose "Bactroban" (recommended for long-lasting runny nose with purulent wards).

The combined preparation with phenylephrine "Polidex" contains antibiotics, components with vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory actions.

Many people are wondering how quickly to curerunny nose. The speed of treatment depends on how timely it is started. If you start this with the appearance of the first symptoms, you can completely get rid of the common cold in a few days. You need to treat it, not limited only to medicines, but also to combine them with folk.

Because the common cold is a disease of the wholeorganism, then it is necessary to treat not only its external manifestation. The mucosa of the respiratory tract and the vascular system are interrelated, therefore it is necessary to treat the runny nose systematically. Well helps to speed up the recovery of the steam bath from broth chamomile, eucalyptus and mint (breathe over a bowl with boiling water). Baths with boiled potatoes are effective. You can also use grinding with the use of vegetable oils and beeswax, warming the nose.

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