Pregnancy is a special period in lifewomen, when it changes not only its external, but also the inner world. The character of the future mother becomes softer, she is filled with the expectation of meeting with a small miracle. In her body, too, there are global transformations. This applies not only to the growing abdomen, but also to many internal changes that you will not notice with the unaided eye.
They were invented by nature to createideal conditions for bearing a child, but now it is very rare to find an absolutely healthy woman without a hereditary predisposition to certain illnesses.
This is why increasing the load onthe cardiovascular system and the constant growth of the uterus over time often lead to the occurrence of varicose veins of varying degrees of severity. Even if the future mother does not have varicose veins, almost all women during pregnancy suffer from swelling, the appearance of a vascular network and pigmented spots. Almost all of these indispositions can be prevented and eliminated if you use the "Lyoton" ointment during pregnancy.
Mechanism of therapeutic action ointment "Lyoton"
Препарат «Лиотон» представляет собой гель, which acts on the system of blood coagulation and does not allow its coagulation, and, consequently, the formation of thrombi. The main active substance of this drug is heparin, which when ingested into the body actively interferes with the processes of local (local) and systemic circulation. It should be noted that the drug "Lyoton" (ointment), the instruction to which is attached together to each tube of the drug, has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and restoring effect.
Beyond pregnancy this medication is oftenapply for various hematomas, injuries, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis and varicose veins. It is because of the effectiveness in the treatment of the last disease that such a drug can be used and during the bearing of the child. Nevertheless, the "Lyoton" remedy during pregnancy is recommended to be used only for the purpose of the attending physician, who will be able to choose the best means for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, depending on the general condition of the woman. Some gynecologists do not prescribe this drug because studies of the effect of the active substances on the maternal and fetal organism have not been carried out simultaneously, although there is also no data on any possible damage.
How to apply "Lyoton" ointment correctly
Some women have vascular problemsalready after the birth of a child, and sometimes even a surgical operation may be necessary. However, it should be remembered that during breastfeeding, the pharmaceutical preparation "Lyoton 1000", whose reviews prove its effectiveness, can be used only on the advice of a doctor - surgeon or phlebologist. Appoint a frequency of use of the medication and the term of therapy will be the attending physician. Most often, doctors recommend applying Lyoton during pregnancy and after childbirth 1-3 times a day with a thin layer on the affected areas. Do not try to rub the remedy, as it will eventually absorb itself. The course of treatment will last about a month, but if it is necessary, then after another month the therapy is resumed.
Because the organism of expectant mothers is muchmore sensitive than usual, before applying the "Lyoton" ointment during pregnancy for the first time, it is necessary to test it on a small area of the skin for the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to the components of the preparation. Do not interrupt therapy on your own, even if it seems that the symptoms of the disease have already gone, because if you do not follow the recommendations of a phlebologist, the situation will quickly deteriorate.