/ / Lymphocytes are above normal - what does it say?

Lymphocytes are higher than normal - what does it say?

What are lymphocytes?These are cells of the human immune system, which are formed by the bone marrow. Such cells are responsible for the most important function in the body - the recognition and extermination of infections and bacteria through the formation of immunity.

The number of lymphocytes inblood of any adult within forty percent of the total number of leukocytes. The level of lymphocytes in small children clearly depends on the child's age and can vary with the growth of the child: in a newborn this indicator is in the range of 20 to 25%, for a child who has turned a week - 40-45%, and for a week and up to six normal is considered from 45 to 65% of lymphocytes.

The condition, when the lymphocytes are higher than normal, is called lymphocytosis, which is divided into relative and absolute.

Lymphocytosis relative - in this stateof the body, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood increases, but their absolute values ​​remain within the norm in the analysis. The causes of this condition, when lymphocytes are higher than normal, are diverse. This can, for example, contribute to any inflammatory process in the body, which is accompanied by purulent formations. With such pathology, the level of such indicators as leukocytes in the blood test, on the contrary, will be lowered while the lymphocytes are higher than normal. Why is this so? Contribute to all these violations of neutrophils, and the level of lymphocytes in the blood remains at the same level. But at the same time in the leukocyte picture, the number of lymphocytes will still be above the norm. This will happen due to a decrease in the number of indicators - neutrophils, and if to put it another way - the percentage ratio of any types of white blood cells will change. Leukocytes include lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and basophils. Relative lymphocytosis - this is the condition, when in the leukocyte formula lymphocytes are more than a percentage in percentage.

Absolute lymphocytosis is where allThe number of lymphocytes (their total number) in the picture of blood rises sharply. This pathology may indicate the presence of diseases in which there is increased stimulation of lymphopoiesis.

In medical practice, the most common is absolute lymphocytosis, which is a sign of the following serious diseases:

  • various viral infections, (such as acute respiratory infections, all types of hepatitis, CMV, etc.);
  • tuberculosis (pulmonary or extrapulmonary;
  • lymphatic leukemia - acute or chronic bone marrow tumor;
  • malignant formations of the lymphatic system (sarcoma);
  • increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism) and other diseases of the endocrine system.

The increased number of lymphocytes in children is usuallyspeaks about the presence of children's infectious diseases: such as scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox and others. Still lymphocytosis can be provoked by the reception of individual medical preparations, anemia, malnutrition, neurasthenia and Crohn's disease.

To eliminate the condition when lymphocytes are higherNorms need to diagnose a disease that has led to a change in normal blood counts. To do this, you must always contact your doctor, who must assign additional tests to minimize the risk of a diagnostic error. Once the disease is identified, it is necessary to be treated strictly according to the appointment of a specialist. Treatment can be long, it all depends on the present disease. After rehabilitation, repeated tests are mandatory. If there is still an increased amount of lymphocytes in the blood, this indicates that the doctor made a mistake in diagnosing the disease, and the detection of the disease that provoked lymphocytosis should be continued.

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