/ Ridge aerator: installation and operation features

Ridge aerator: installation and operation features

Известная народная мудрость гласит, что каждый a man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. If the last two items are a little easier to implement, then with the construction of the house things are more complicated. The main attribute of any structure, whether it is a summer residence, a barn or an office building, is a roof. She will protect the house from the rains and from the summer heat. But the variety of roofing materials makes owners think about what will suit better. And when all doubts are discarded and the material is chosen, the main thing behind the small one is the correct design.

What is a ridge aerator?

Great role in the choice of roofing materialnow plays a value and quality. Most often a soft roof or bitumen is used. It is resistant to temperature changes, it keeps heat well and has a pleasant value.

During its laying, a vapor barrier is used,which should keep the heat coming from inside the house, and protect it from rain and snow from outside in case of damage to the outer layer. But, like any plastic material, it has the property of accumulating condensate.

That the accumulation of moisture does not lead to spoilagewood used during the erection of the roof, it is worthwhile to use a special plastic or metal device with a lot of holes or a built-in mesh for the removal of hot air, which is called a "ridge aerator".

aerial aerator

Types of aerators

Depending on the roofing material and the type of roofs, several types of aerators can be used:

  • A single aerator is placed over the entire surface of the roof pointwise, especially for isolated and hard-to-reach places. They are divided into skate and pitched.
  • Continuous aerator has the form of a length of plastic or metal tape, which is evenly distributed throughout the surface of the ramp.
  • Turbine aerator appeared on the market not so long ago, looks like a pipe with a built-in fan. Such an exhaust allows much more efficient removal of hot air outside.

ridge aerator for soft roofing

For roofs covered with metal-plastic,metal structures with a special coating that easily tolerates corrosion and temperature drop. Metal aerators are easily attached to any part of the roof.

A ridge aerator for soft roofing is made fromquality polyurethane, well tolerating the heat to +90 C and cold to -40 C. Such parts must be shock-resistant. Most often, they are installed in the places where the upper edges of the rays meet.

Can I install the aerator myself?

In order to understand whether you need an aeratoron the roof or not, it is worth consulting with a specialist. After all, it is most convenient to mount these devices while laying the roof. At this time, it is easier to take into account the material features, the depth of the protective layer and possible additional insulation.

But if it happened that the roof is already available, and additional work is still necessary, you can try to do it yourself.

The easiest option is to install a ridgeaerator for soft roofing with your hands. A layer of bitumen squares covering the horse, will have to be removed. Under it, install a strip ridge aerator made of plastic or metal. Such a corner with a lot of holes and nets will lift the ruberoid at the skate junction. All hot air will free to rise and exit through the holes, preventing condensation.

Сложнее обстоят дела с точечными аэраторами.For the installation, precise calculations of the diameter of the recess under the base of the aerator are necessary. If it is made too large, additional material will have to be used for compaction.

First, draw a pencil in a pencilthe basis of a point aerator. Using a jigsaw or other tool to make a hole, insert the skirt and secure it with nails, screws or glue. On top of the skirt, apply bitumen glue and lay the tile in such a way that no holes remain.

a skate aerator for soft roofing with your own hands

But it is worth remembering that point aerators are installed on flat roofs or with a slope of no more than 12 degrees.

What happens if you do not install an aerator?

Коньковый аэратор - нужная деталь для крыши, covered with soft tiles and not only. If you are still thinking about the advisability of such an acquisition, it is worth noting: it's worth it. Having saved now a small amount, in the future you will spend much more, replacing the entire roof.


  • Rotten beams and ceilings.
  • High humidity in living areas.
  • Reproduction of mold fungus in the insulation and on the walls of the building.
  • Dents and cracks in roofing material.

If you do not already know what a ridge aerator looks like for a soft roof, photos are presented in this material.

a skate aerator for a soft roof photo

But it is worth remembering that this deviceis installed in conjunction with soffits, which contribute to the influx of air. The ventilation system, consisting of soffits and aerator, will create an excellent microclimate in your home.

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