/ / Ventfasad: installation of porcelain stoneware, technology, consumption of materials, photo

Ventfasad: installation of porcelain stoneware, technology, consumption of materials, photos

For several decades, engineers andbuilders tirelessly tried to find the most effective and natural way that would help the walls of buildings to get rid of excess moisture. This allowed to develop ventfasad, installation of which you can do it yourself. For this, any material can be used as a finish, but below we will talk about the installation of porcelain stoneware. The described system is a complex structure, which is performed in several stages. Errors during installation can cause problems during the first years of operation of the building. Most often they are expressed in the improper functioning of the ventilated system, which leads to its complete failure. If you do not have enough experience in the conduct of such work, it is better to entrust them to specialists who know the subtleties of installation.

Preparatory stage: marking of attachment points

ventfasad, installation

If you decide to equip ventfasad, installationwhich should be carried out according to a certain technology, then at the first stage the marking works are carried out. In the designated places on the surface of the walls will be installed bearing brackets, which is why this stage should be carried out in accordance with the design and technical documentation. To begin with, the lighthouse lines are defined. One of them is the bottom horizontal. It is possible to determine the extreme points with the help of a level, and after they are marked, between them it is necessary to designate the gap over which the brackets will be installed. In this case, the master must use a laser level and a tape measure. In order to determine the extreme vertical lines along the façade, from the parapet of the building one should lower the overhang, which will allow to mark vertical lines at the extreme horizontal points.

Mounting Brackets

ventilated facade of porcelain stoneware material consumption per 1 m2

Ventfasad, installation of which involves the installationbrackets will be held onto the frame system. Using a perforator, you will need to drill holes in the wall into which the pariton gaskets are installed. Next, you can proceed to the installation of bearing brackets, which uses a screwdriver and anchor dowels.

Laying of the windshield and heat insulation layers

ventilated facade of porcelain stoneware material consumption

Quite often lately forexterior facade decoration is used. Installation of this system should include the laying of insulation, as well as a protective layer. Through the slots for the brackets, the master hangs the thermal insulation plate, and after the membrane membrane of the wind-protective layer. The resulting system is temporarily fixed. In this case, it is necessary to observe the overlap of the canvases, which is approximately 100 millimeters. Through wind-waterproofing film and insulation should be drilled holes, which are installed plug anchors.

The installation of insulation boards starts from the bottom.row. The plates are pre-installed on the base or starting profile, and only after that they are mounted in the bottom-up direction. It should be noted that the plates are hung horizontally in a checkerboard pattern. Moreover, one should not forget that there should be no through-holes between the elements. If necessary, the insulation can be trimmed with a hand tool, and sometimes the project provides for the presence of two-layer insulation. In this case, use plate-shaped dowels, with which internal plates are fixed to the wall. On the stove must be installed about two fasteners, but you can and more. The outer plate is fixed in such a way that it is staggered with respect to other elements, and the fastening is carried out using a similar technology.

Mounting guides

ventfasad mounting photo

Ventfasad (installation), which photo you shouldexamine and consider in advance, provides for the presence of guides, which are installed in the next step. They are attached to the adjusting brackets, for this purpose, a profile is mounted in the slots of the bearing and support brackets. Rivets will be needed to fix the profile to the bearing brackets. The profile is mounted to the adjustable parts freely, which ensures unimpeded vertical movement - this is necessary to exclude thermal deformations. In those places where there will be vertical joining of profiles, a gap of about 8 millimeters is left, which prevents deformation during humidity and temperature fluctuations. When a ventilating facade is made of porcelain stoneware, in the next step, you can install fireproof cuts.

Facing installation

ventfasad installation of porcelain tile photo

Tile installation work is carried out ina certain sequence. To fasten the clamps, mark the places of the holes on the guides. To do this, use an electric drill. Clamps are installed in strict accordance with the project, and they are fixed with rivets to the T-shaped profile. At the same time the fixture is installed in the drilled holes. Self-tapping screws should be used as the mounting element.

Varieties of ceramogram fastening technology
installation of ventfasad of porcelain

If you decide to use the techniquerefining external walls, which is called ventfasad, the technology of mounting you must be studied. It involves the use of one of the two methods of fastening porcelain. The first involves the presence of visible seams. It is simpler, while the T-shaped profile is masked - it will need to be painted the same color as the tile. If you want to strip the surface of the seams, then the reinforcement of porcelain stoneware is carried out to the two guides with the help of horizontal cutting. This allows not only to exclude the presence of seams, but also to reduce the load on the structure.

Recommendations for installing tile

ventfasad mounting technology

Quite popular recently consideredthe technology of finishing the external walls, which is called ventfasad - installation of porcelain stoneware. Photos of this system will allow you to understand what the walls look like after the completion of the work. Vertically, it will be necessary to install beacons, the step between which should be the same. This will greatly facilitate the installation of the structure. The horizontal distance will be determined by the size of the plates: if you have those that have a side of 400 millimeters, then the step will be 410 millimeters, whereas with increasing sides to 600 millimeters, the step increases to 610 millimeters. When marking the mounting locations of the brackets, holes should be made for the anchors, and the depth should be somewhat larger compared to the length of the anchor. Fasteners should be selected from the calculation of the mass of the facing coating, as well as the bearing capacity of the facade. Ceramic granite is fixed with cleats, which must be made of stainless or galvanized steel.

Recommendations for open mounting porcelain

If you decide to use this technology, thenmust take into account that the clamps will be visible after completion of the work. They are located on top of the panel, and after the installation work they are most often covered with powder thermo-enamel. The main thing is to choose a color that would fit the facing. This mounting option is considered cheaper than the rest, therefore it is more common. Among other things, with this mount air can freely go out and penetrate the system anywhere in the facade, providing constant ventilation.

Tips for the implementation of fixing porcelain stoneware with closed seams

This technology is not only morelaborious but also costly. The lining provides slots made in the lower and upper edge, where the clamps are placed. Due to this, the fastener is invisible, and the seam becomes minimal and inconspicuous. This method provides air flow from below, and flows out only from above. Docking places that form between window and door openings should be lined with metal, which is represented by curved sheets. It is painted in the same color as the cladding material.


If you decide to equip a ventilated facade ofporcelain stoneware, the consumption of materials per 1 m2 should be calculated. To do this, determine the area of ​​each wall, and after the area of ​​the window and door openings. The areas of all the walls are folded together, and the area of ​​the openings stacked between them should be subtracted from this value. Then, the area of ​​one tile is determined depending on its size; in the next stage, the first value obtained in the calculations is divided into two - this will allow you to understand how many tiles you need to purchase.


Ventilated facade of porcelain, consumptionmaterials for which you can calculate without help, looks very attractive, but to achieve a positive result, you must follow the above recommendations.

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