/ / Medicinal preparation "Piracetam". Indications for use, side effects

Medicinal preparation "Piracetam". Indications for use, side effects

Препарат "Пирацетам" представляет собой белый highly soluble in water and alcohol powder. It is considered the main in the whole group of nootropic drugs. Today, a synthesis of its analogues, for example, etiracetam, oxyracetam, has been made, but despite this, piracetam continues to be the most sought after in its group.

The medicine "Piracetam" is well absorbed, evenly distributed in the tissues of the body (including the brain) when ingested, excreted by the kidneys.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the exchangesubstances, cerebral circulation. With its help, oxidation-reduction processes are easier to proceed, processing and glucose withdrawal is accelerated, blood flow to the ischemic parts of the brain is stimulated.

The mechanism of action is based, in particular, on thean increase in the rate of ATP metabolism, the activity of adenylate cyclase, thereby increasing the energy of the body, which in turn leads to tissue resistance during hypoxia and toxic attack. Synthesis of RNA is increased under the action of the drug "Piracetam", indications for use indicate its low toxicity, when carrying out experiments on animals, the lethal outcome occurred at a dosage of 10 g. per 1 kg of body weight on condition of intravenous administration.

Due to various diseases of the nervous systemadults and children prescribed medication "Piracetam", indications for use contain recommendations for taking the drug in pathologies of metabolic processes, vascular disorders. People with senile, elderly people tolerate the drug well.

In neurology, "Piracetam" is prescribed for treatmentatherosclerosis, vascular parkinsonism - those diseases that have the character of cerebrovascular chronic failure. Disorders of speech, memory, attention are manifestations of such diseases. "Piracetam" is prescribed for the subcomatous and comatose states of the body that have arisen from injuries, brain intoxications and during complex therapy after such conditions. With lesions of the nervous system, the "Piracetam" is also prescribed, indications for use: anomalies in the emotional-volitional sphere, the decrease of intellectual functions.

In gerontology, the drug "Piracetam" was also used, indications for use: senile dementias (Alzheimer's disease, among others) as a complex therapy.

The drug has some contraindications:

- kidney failure,

- an allergy to fruit juices, essences,

- the age of the child under 1 year,

- Children with a diagnosis of "diabetes" drug is not prescribed.

There are almost no side effects of pyracetam, usuallyhe is well tolerated by patients, sometimes there is a violation of sleep, increased irritability, anxiety, dyspeptic disorders. In elderly patients with coronary insufficiency, there is an aggravation of the process. If such events are detected, either the daily dose should be reduced or the drug taken out.

If the doctor has prescribed a course of treatment with piracetamform of granules, then the preparation may have an allergic reaction from the body, manifested by gastrointestinal anomalies or skin rashes. This happens because of the large amount of sugar in the preparation.

Piracetam is produced in ampoules for injection, in tablets, in granules and in the form of baby syrup.

"Piracetam" is prescribed in a complex therapy, together with cardiovascular and psychotropic medications.

Assign the drug preorally, intravenously orintramuscularly. The daily dosage of "Piracetam" depends on the nature of the disease and on the degree of damage to the body. With some acute manifestations (coma, cerebral diseases, treatment of poisoning), the dose begins with 2 and is adjusted to 6 g every 24 hours.

Children are assigned "Piracetam" in the form of granules. In the treatment of chronic processes, the dosage starts at 1 or 2 g and is adjusted to a maximum of 4 g every 24 hours.

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