/ / Nootropic preparation "Piracetam". Instructions for use.

Nootropic preparation "Piracetam". Instructions for use.

The drug "Piracetam" (nootropil) is widelyuse in complex therapy for the treatment of mental disorders of various origins. In pediatric practice, for the treatment of asthenic cerebral disorders, it is pyracetam that is prescribed. Instruction for use contains information on doses, contraindications, side effects.

The tool is used for cuppingabstinent conditions in patients with alcoholism, drug addiction. It is prescribed for acute poisoning with morphine, alcohol, barbiturates. Patients with chronic alcoholism - is necessary to reduce asthenic phenomena, intellectual disorders of the psyche. Also, Piracetam is used in viral neuro-infections in order to reduce oxygen starvation of the brain and ischemia.

Indications for use

  • Parkinsonism of vessels;

  • Atherosclerosis of the brain;

  • Cerebral vascular insufficiency with impaired memory, speech, attention;

  • Violation of cerebral circulation;

  • Traumatic states of the brain;

  • Decreased intellectual functions;

  • Violation of emotional-volitional function;

  • Depressive states with signs of adynamia, asthenia, retardation;

  • Schizophrenia.

    Pharmacological actions of the drug "Piracetam"

    Instruction for use describespositive effect of the drug on the metabolic processes of the brain and improving blood circulation. The agent improves the utilization of glucose, increases the energy of the body with the participation of ATP. Normalization of important processes contributes to increasing the resistance of the central nervous system to manifestations of hypoxia and toxic phenomena. Piracetam improves the interactive activity of the brain, memory, learning processes.

    Doses of the drug "Piracetam". Instructions for use.

    Tablets - for oral administration, ampoules (10 ml each.) for intravenous administration. In severe conditions, the drug is administered by a drip method. After stabilization of the patient's condition, they switch to internal reception: at the beginning of treatment - up to 800 mg. three times a day before meals; with subsequent treatment - up to 400 mg.

    The treatment time is from six to eight weeks.The dose of the drug per day is: 30-160 mg / kg. Multiplicity of reception - two times a day, if necessary - three, four times a day. The period of treatment is from two weeks to six months, then a break. Repeat the treatment after one and a half to two months (if necessary).


    It is necessary to inform the doctor about thediseases, if the drug "Piracetam" is prescribed. Instructions for use include a list of contraindications: acute renal failure in young children; allergic reactions. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children under one year.

    Side effects

    When taking the drug, a mentalstimulation, irritability, imbalance, anxiety, worsening of sleep, headache, decreased efficiency and concentration of attention. Perhaps the manifestation of nausea and vomiting, a decrease in appetite.

    Interaction with other agents of the drug "Piracetam".

    Instruction for use warns againstpossible negative reactions when interacting with other drugs. Piracetam activates the action of thyroid hormones, neuroleptics, anticoagulants, psychostimulants.


    It is necessary to be guided by appointments of the doctorwhen treated with Piracetam. The abstract contains information on the consequences of overdose. In cases of excess dose there is insomnia, tremors, irritability. In elderly patients there is an exacerbation of heart failure.

    Additional Information

    When purchasing a medicinal productyourself, you should know that the original packaging should be: the drug "Piracetam", instructions for use. During therapy, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, the liver. Do not take the drug before bedtime, stop taking it.

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