/ / Detailed instructions "Fucis": indications for use, analogues and reviews

Detailed instructions "Futsisa": indications for use, analogues and reviews

Along with antibiotic agents,antifungal agents also effectively help patients get rid of diseases that have been caused by microorganisms sensitive to their active substance.

fucis instruction

Currently, there is a huge numbersimilar medicines. Their pharmacological characteristics often coincide. But most often, experts appoint their patients a drug such as "Futsis." Instructions for use and features of this tool will be presented in the materials of this article.

Composition, shape and packaging

Medicinal preparation "Futsis", instruction forwhich is embedded in a pack of cardboard, can be purchased in the form of tablets. Their active ingredient is fluconazole. Also, the composition of the medicament includes and auxiliary components.

This drug is available in doses of 50, 150, 100 and 200 mg. Tablets, in an amount of 4 pieces, are packed in a blister and cardboard pack, respectively.

In what other form can you buy "Futsis"?Instructions for use (tablets - this is not the only form of the mentioned product) reports that this medication is also available as a solution for infusions. The composition of the tablets includes fluconazole and additional ingredients such as microcrystalline cellulose, povidone K30, lactose, talc, magnesium stearate, sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate and others.

A solution for intravenous injections goes on sale in 100 ml vials.

As for the gel "Futsis", it can be bought in tubes of 30 g.

Pharmacology of a medicinal product

What are the peculiarities of Fucis? The instruction for use states that each form of said agent has a pronounced antifungal effect.

Fucis Instructions for Use Tablets

Fluconazole is a synthetic derivative andbelongs to the group of thiazole compounds. This substance helps to eliminate the enzymatic activity of specific components that are found in fungal cells.

After application of the drug is disruptedbiological synthesis of sterol compounds, and the process of conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol is inhibited. Such changes in cell membranes help to stop the reproduction of fungi.

Properties of the medicine

What are the properties of the drug "Futsis"?Instructions for use (tablets have the same pharmacological characteristics as solution and gel) states that this drug is characterized by low toxicity. In this regard, it does not have a negative effect on the human body, as well as a significant effect on cytochromes and the amount of androgenic hormones in the blood plasma.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Инструкция «Фуциса» гласит, что после приема Tablets inside they are fairly quickly and well absorbed from the digestive tract. According to specialists' reviews, fluconazole has high bioavailability. Eating does not have any effect on the absorption process of this product.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed after about 60-90 minutes after administration.

The medication in question is pretty good.penetrates into the composition of biological fluids and tissues. Fluconazole also passes through the blood-brain barrier and is concentrated in the cerebrospinal fluid.

fucis instructions for use

Removal of the drug from the patient's body is carried out together with urine. Its half-life is approximately 30 hours.

What kinetic parameters does the "Fucis" solution have? The instruction states that the pharmacokinetics for intravenous administration of the preparation is almost not different from the oral administration.

As for the antifungal agent in the form of a gel, it has the same characteristics and activity. Especially effectively, the gel manifests itself with dermatophytes and yeast.

During the external application of this agent, only a small amount of its active substance enters the blood. In connection with this, his systemic action is completely excluded.

Also, specialists have found that the gel does not adversely affect the skin condition.

Indications for use

The instruction of "Futsis" informs that this preparationvery often used in the treatment of infectious diseases of various locations, which were caused by microorganisms that show high sensitivity to fluconazole. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed by gynecologists, dermatologists and mycologists.

So when should you use Futsis (tablets)? The instruction says that this form of medicine is prescribed for:

futsis dt for children instruction

  • treatment of mycoses arising on the feet and in the inguinal region, onychomycosis, ringworm and pityriasis;
  • infections on the mucous membranes, which were caused by Candida fungi;
  • candidal infections of different localization (for example, in Candidemia, disseminated candidiasis, candiduria, and other forms of generalized candidiasis that were caused by the Candida fungus)
  • bronchopulmonary non-invasive candidal infections;
  • treatment of chronic and acute vaginal candidiasis (recurrent);
  • chronic candidiasis of the oral mucosa, which is associated with the wearing of removable dentures;
  • treatment of histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis and other endemic mycoses.

For what other purpose can the oral preparation Futsis (tablets) be prescribed? The instruction states that this medicine is often used to prevent relapse in patients with:

  • candidal balanitis;
  • vaginal chronic candidiasis;
  • cryptococcal infections of different localization;
  • fungal infections of different localization, if the patient suffers from immunodeficiency or receives cytostatic, as well as radiation therapy.

As for the solution for infusion, the instruction "Futsis" indicates that this form of the drug is used in the treatment of:

  • cryptococcal meningitis;
  • systemic fungal infections (candidemia, candidal infections of the eye, candiduria, endocardium);
  • cryptococcal infections of the skin and respiratory organs.

Medication for external application can be prescribed for:

  • ringworms that cause yeast;
  • dermatophytes (groin athlete's foot, foot athlete's foot, trichophytosis, lichen colored and candidal infections).
    futsis for children instruction

Contraindications for use

And what is the treatment scheme for the drug "Futsis" forchildren? The instruction states that this tool is not recommended for adults and babies in case of increased individual sensitivity to the drug elements. Also, it is not used in the presence of allergy to azole compounds, similar in structure to fluconazole.

At what age do you get Futsis DT for children? The instruction informs that ordinary tablets are extremely contraindicated for the treatment of babies up to 7 years old, and dispersed tablets - up to 3 years.

Также рассматриваемый медикамент запрещен к reception during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not used for the treatment of people receiving therapy "Tsizaprid" and "Terfenadine", and those whose work is related to the management of vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Drug "Futsis DT": instructions for use

The drug in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of a solution and gel should be used in different ways.

How should I take Futsis 50?The manual says that the drug with an active substance content of 50-200 mg is used to treat not only adults, but also young patients from 3-7 years.

Tablets are taken at any time orally. The daily dosage of the drug is designed for one dose and is set only by a doctor (depending on the disease).

How to use dispersed tablets "Fucis" (50 mg)? The instruction says that before taking this drug, it should be first dissolved in ordinary water (about 5 ml).

fucis pill instruction

Людям, страдающим от генитального кандидоза, the drug in tablets is prescribed once in an amount of 150 mg. For the prevention of recurrence of vaginal candidiasis of a chronic nature (thrush), the drug is used in the same dose, but only once a month.

As a rule, the dosage of the agent in question does not depend on its method of use, and also does not change when switching from parenteral to oral administration.

Method of use of the infusion solution

The “Fucis” manual reports that the preparation for intravenous administration contains 200 mg of fluconazole, as well as 100 ml of sodium chloride (isotonic) solution.

Before the introduction of the drug the patient should limit the intake of water and sodium. The content of chlorine and sodium ions in solution is also required.

Despite the absence of pronounced drug incompatibility, the agent in question should not be mixed with other drugs for infusion.

Gel application

Gel "Futsis", as well as tablets, must be used once a day. The external agent is gently rubbed into the affected skin areas, as well as the areas around them.

Experts report that to achieveThe therapeutic effect of the patient requires only a small amount of gel. It is carefully ground over the entire surface of the affected area with fungi in order to prevent the development of maceration.

Now you know how to use gel,solution and tablets "Futsis" (150 mg). The instruction states that the dosage, as well as the duration of use of each of the presented forms should be determined only by the attending physician.

futsis dt instruction

Adverse Events

What side effects can causeinfusion solution, gel and tablets "Fucis 150"? The instruction states that, against the background of the use of these funds, the patient may develop the following adverse reactions:

  • severe headaches, tremor, dizziness, and seizures;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea and others;
  • allergic reactions on the skin in the form of alopecia, toxic epidermal necrosis, pruritus, skin rash, urticaria, puffiness, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Also the use of this medication may affecton indicators of laboratory studies (neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hypokalemia, thrombocytopenia, triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood)

The listed side effects require the immediate cessation of taking Futsis.

Cases of overdose

При передозировке раствора или таблеток «Фуцис» у negative symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and hallucinations may develop. In addition, one can not exclude paranoid human behavior.

In case of overdose, the victim is washed stomach and symptomatic therapy.

Compatibility means with other drugs

The simultaneous use of the solution and tablets "Futsis" with anticoagulants greatly enhances their effect. In this regard, requires constant monitoring of prothrombin time.

Рассматриваемое лекарство может увеличивать plasma concentrations of benzodiazepine, midazolam, cyclosporine, phenytoin, and rifabutin in the blood. When combined with fluconazole with any of the above means, a dose adjustment of the drug and the supervision of an experienced specialist are required. If we ignore this advice, then such combinations can increase the side effects, cause the development of psychomotor reactions and so on.

With regular use of hydrochlorothiazide with Fucis, a significant increase in the concentration of fluconazole in the blood can be expected. However, this does not require correction dosages.

Futsis 150 mg instruction

Taking the mentioned medication does not reduce the effects of oral combination contraceptives.

In the process of therapy "Fucis" patients with diabetes should consider the likely development of hypoglycemia.

Simultaneous administration of this drug with Rifampicin requires an increase in the dose of fluconazole.

The combination of "Fucis" and "Tacrolimus" very often causes mutual enhancement of their nephrotoxicity.

Cost and analogues of antifungal agents

After prescribing an antifungal drug"Fucis" many patients ask the question about how much it costs. It should be noted that the price of this medication in different pharmacy chains may vary slightly. Its average cost is about 300-400 rubles (regardless of the form of release).

For drugs similar in pharmacologicalcharacteristics include drugs such as Fluconazole, Fucorcin, Clotrimazole and Livarol. However, when taking them must be borne in mind that they may have completely different contraindications and side effects. Therefore, to replace the "Futsis" these funds should definitely refer to the doctor. By the way, the latter will be able to choose the right and most effective treatment regimen for you.

Patient reviews of antifungal agent

Чаще всего о рассматриваемом препарате оставляют positive reviews. According to the latter, it is quite actively used in gynecological practice in the treatment of thrush. However, many people claim that the antifungal agent Futsis helps to get rid of this unpleasant disease for a rather long period of time. However, experts say that we should not forget about additional medications that help restore normal flora in the vagina.

Speaking about the effectiveness of the drug "Futsis", you can notnot to mention negative feedback. Some patients who used this medication note that they took side effects while taking pills or using a solution. As a rule, they are manifested by swelling, itching of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, fever and severe headache.

As for the gel "Futsis", then reviews about it are much less common. In those that are, it says about the high effectiveness of this tool, especially in the treatment of ringworm.

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