/ / Pharyngitis is contagious or not? Varieties of the disease

Pharyngitis is contagious or not? Varieties of the disease

At all of us even once in a life the throat hurted or was ill; was sick.Usually we tiredly brush off the symptoms, drank hot tea with raspberries and talked for a while with a hoarse voice. But it did not stop us from going to school, university or going to work, because the symptoms are insignificant. And we never thought whether pharyngitis is contagious or not. Because they did not even know that this sore throat is called "pharyngitis".


pharyngitis is contagious or not

Pharyngitis is a contagious disease that is manifested by acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa and is accompanied by painful sensations, perspiration and general discomfort.

From the anatomical point of view, the pharynx is divided into three divisions:

- upper - nasopharynx;
- middle - oropharynx;
- the lower one is the laryngopharynx.

Therefore, the pathological processes can be dividedby the same principle. Of course, all this is quite arbitrary, but for the formulation of the diagnosis is of fundamental importance. Viral or bacterial agents do not really know where anything is. They diffusively contaminate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and move downward. The presence of morphological changes in tissues gives clinicians the opportunity, with some conventionality, to determine individual nosological units, for example acute nasopharyngitis.


Is herpes pharyngitis contagious

Pharyngitis is a contagious disease, but it provokesit is not bacteria and viruses at all, but a banal inhalation of cold or toxic air. And already pneumococci, staphylococci, viruses or fungi join the physical or chemical damage of the mucous membrane. Often the focus of inflammation is already in the oral cavity, for example carious tooth, stomatitis, rhinitis or sinusitis.

The main pathogens of pharyngitis are rhinoviruses,coronaviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses. Herpes viruses, enteroviruses, Coxsackie, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and others are rare. Is herpes pharyngitis contagious? Yes, certainly. But it is so rarely found in clinical practice that it is not worth worrying. And to get infected, you need to make serious efforts.

Types of pharyngitis

Globally, two forms of pharyngitis are distinguished:acute and chronic. The acute form develops after a short time after the aggression factor (toxins, chemically active substances, cold, heat, microorganisms and protozoa) is effected on the pharyngeal mucosa. Chronic pharyngitis occurs as a result of unfinished treatment of the acute form or as an independent disease, if the stimulus affects the mucosa long enough. This form provides for the presence of phases of exacerbation and remission.

The most common form of pharyngitis iscatarrhal, but, in addition to it, there is also atrophic, granular and mixed. Is granulosa pharyngitis contagious? It is difficult to answer this question. Most likely, yes, since the granulations are caused by some kind of pathogen. But it is difficult to rely on the research of foreign colleagues, since they do not have such a nosological unit, and pharyngitis is rather a collective concept that unites a large number of throat diseases.


chronic pharyngitis is contagious

Is acute pharyngitis contagious?The answer is absolutely positive. It is characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the throat: perspiration, pain with swallowing of saliva, dryness. Of the general symptoms may be subfebrile temperature, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, general malaise. Inflammation of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx is accompanied by irradiative pain in the direction of the auricles. Palpation of the parotid and submandibular lymph nodes is painful. Acute pharyngitis can be manifestations of measles, scarlet fever, rubella.

Atrophic pharyngitis is characterized by thinningmucous membranes. It looks dry, covered with mucus and easily injured. On its surface, thickened vessels can be seen. In hypertrophic form, the areas of thickening of the lymphoid tissue are first of all striking. They are chaotically located on the back wall of the pharynx. In addition, there is an increase in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.

Factors contributing to chronic pharyngitis

Under certain conditions from the mucosa, andalso the specific effect of the aggressive factor develops chronic pharyngitis. Is it contagious? As a rule, no. This is due to the fact that the etiology of this disease may not be associated with a bacterial, viral or fungal pathogen. But if the chronic pharyngitis was preceded by an acute process, then the ability to infect is preserved.

Among the factors that trigger the appearance of chronic pharyngitis, are:

- Features of the structure of the mucous throat and digestive tract;
- long-term constant impact of trigger factors (dust, dry and cold air, chemical agents);
- Frequent breathing through the mouth;
- Smoking;
- Allergies;
- Endocrine pathology;
- hypovitaminosis A;
- cardiac, pulmonary or renal failure.

For the chronic form of pharyngitis uncharacteristicfever and a significant deterioration in the general condition, as well as uncomfortable symptoms. The patients tell us that they seem to have a lump in the throat that can not be swallowed or coughed out. Cough, by the way, is frequent, dry and persistent. These symptoms irritate the sick and interfere with their usual activities.


Is granulosa pharyngitis contagious?

It does not require any specific technique,to diagnose pharyngitis. How many days will the patient be sick after the disease is diagnosed? Most likely, until the catarrhal phenomena pass, as cough promotes the spread of the pathogen, as with any other infectious disease.

The otorhinolaryngologist uses only his ownexperience to identify the patient's specific symptoms. He examines the mouth, pharynx and larynx, palpates the lymph nodes, asks to demonstrate a cough. In order to determine the pathogen, a scraping with mucous is done. The slide glass is sent to the bacteriological laboratory in order that after a series of tests, stains and sowings the doctor should know which microorganism caused the inflammation.


pharyngitis infectious disease

Before treatment, you need to determine if pharyngitisis contagious or not? Rather yes than no. Everything depends on the reason that caused it. If this is smoking, then such a person does not pose any threat to the society, but if it suddenly becomes staphylococcus or streptococcus, then it is necessary to prepare for the fact that all close people too will soon fall ill. Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment with the elimination of an irritating factor.

Further treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physicianand only on his recommendations. Patients are assigned a gentle diet, so that pieces of solid food do not hurt the mucous. As a distraction therapy, hot foot baths, compresses on the front surface of the neck, inhalation with warm steam and gargling with a warm soda solution are used. Catarrhal pharyngitis, as a rule, does not require the use of antibiotics.

If necessary, antimicrobials are prescribed in the form of rinses, inhalations, insuffulations, tablets or lozenges. The main requirements for them are:

- a wide range of activities;
- low toxic effect and reduced rate of absorption from the mucosa;
- Absence of an allergic reaction;
- The medicine should not irritate the mucous membrane.

Most of the drugs are available in the form of tablets or lozenges. This form is easy to apply and accurately applied to the affected tissue.

Treatment of pharyngitis in pregnancy

Is acute pharyngitis contagious

Pregnancy is a very delicate state,so any disease brings a lot of discomfort to both the mother and the baby. Complexity is due to the fact that almost all preparations are not suitable for treatment.

Therefore, all that doctors can do isrecommend a woman to provide the throat with complete peace. That is, do not eat raw food, as well as fried, salty and spicy, do not talk loudly and loudly, do not overcool. Periodically it is necessary to gargle with salt and soda solutions. And you also need to drink a warm liquid almost constantly. It can be tea or milk, mors or compote to your taste.

Folk remedies

pharyngitis is a contagious disease

After all the vicissitudes the doctor still putdiagnosis of pharyngitis. Whether a person is contagious or not, and you still have to be treated. If traditional medicine is not to your taste, then today there are many prescriptions for non-traditional methods of treatment. Usually patients manage to combine these two methods.

Traditional medicine claims that the simplestthe way to treat pharyngitis is rinsing with sea water. You can rinse her throat or do a nasopharyngeal wash, as you like. The bactericidal properties of this fluid reduce inflammation and eliminate bacteria.

Well perceived by the body and herbal baths.If during bathing add the water of eucalyptus oil or tincture of thyme. They have a general strengthening and warming effect. There is advice that at the first signs of inflammation in the throat you need to chew a few buds of cloves, the one that spice. Do this every three to four hours, until the subjective state improves.


Naturally, it is better to prevent the disease thansubsequently treat pharyngitis. Infectious or not a person who is sick, but to strengthen their own body will never interfere. Therefore, you need to get rid of bad habits and begin to temper in the morning. At least once a day you need to ventilate the room in which you are constantly, and also every couple of days to carry out wet cleaning to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

To exclude irritation of the pharyngeal mucosathe contents of the esophagus and stomach, do not eat or drink two hours before bedtime. You can also raise the head of the bed, then the acidic liquid can not reach the throat. And the last tip: change the toothbrush every three months. On its bristles accumulate bacteria, which, with a slight damage to the mucosa may cause inflammation.

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