/ / "Flemoxin 250": instructions, description, reviews

"Flemoxin 250": instructions, description, reviews

Antibacterial drugs to dateare a panacea for some severe ailments. Many diseases from different areas of medicine can be cured with their help. One of the most effective drugs is "Flemoxin 250". Having studied the instructions in detail, the patient learns in what cases the medication is indicated. Features of treatment and use in pediatric practice will also be described in the review.

Description of the preparation

Semisynthetic antibacterial preparation"Flemoxin solute" refers to a group of penicillins. The drug is developed and manufactured by the Dutch pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma Europe. Antimicrobial medication is active against many pathogenic pathogens due to the active ingredient amoxicillin. "Flemoxin 250" has a bactericidal action, that is, it affects the cell walls of the microorganism that caused the disease, which contributes to the death of the bacterium.

Flemoxin 250

Antibiotics of the penicillin series have onea characteristic feature (and "Flemoxin soluteab" is not an exception) - they are destroyed under the action of the enzyme penicillinase. It is produced by certain types of pathogenic pathogens. This should be taken into account when prescribing an antibiotic, because microorganisms can be absolutely insensitive to it.

When do they prescribe "Flemoxin solute"?

Almost all areas of medicine practice the appointment of the drug "Flemoxin solutab 250". Instructions for use recommend the use of penicillin antibiotic in the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract of bacterial origin (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy);
  • infectious lesions of ENT organs (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • inflammation of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • gynecological pathologies of an infectious nature (inflammation of appendages and fallopian tubes, endometritis, orchitis);
  • infectious damage to the membranes of the brain by meningococcal microorganisms;
  • inflammation of the biliary tract (cholecystitis);
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (dysentery, salmonellosis);
  • infection of the skin.

Spectrum of action

Semisynthetic antibiotic from a number of penicillinsrefers to the third generation and exhibits stability in an acidic environment. Appointment to the patient follows only after a preliminary medical examination and determination of the type of pathogen. "Flemoxin solutab 250" is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Sensitivity is manifested by staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, meningococci, chlamydia, gonococci, listeria, Helicobacter pylori. The active substance has no harmful effect on enterobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Features of the drug

Among other antibacterial drugsa wide spectrum of action "Flemoxin 250" differs form of release. In the form of solute, the active substance is contained in microspheres that will protect it from the negative effects of the acidic environment of the digestive tract. When the tablet enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is not immediately affected by gastric juice and enzymes. First of all, in the acidic medium, the drug shell must dissolve. During this time, the microspheres have time to reach the alkaline environment of the duodenum, where the active absorption of the component into the total blood flow will occur.

Flemoxin solutab 250

Protective microcapsule significantly reducesthe likelihood of a negative effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract. Absorption of the active substance occurs regardless of food intake.

Flemoxin 250: instructions for use

A penicillin antibiotic can be usedfor the treatment of children and adults. Tablets may contain varying amounts of active ingredient, but most often doctors prefer a dosage of 250 mg. Forms containing 125, 500 and 1000 mg of the active ingredient in the formulation are also available. Auxiliary components are substances such as saccharin, magnesium stearate, lemon flavor, vanillin, dispersible cellulose.

Flemoxin 250 instructions

Tablets can be taken before or after meals.The optimal dosage is chosen by the attending physician, taking into account the age group and the severity of the patient's condition. Independent increase in dose can cause negative consequences for the body.

If there are difficulties with swallowingtablets "Flemoxin 250" instruction allows you to separate them or dissolve in a liquid. It should be borne in mind that after opening the cell in which the pill is located, the medicine should be taken immediately.

"Flemoxin solute" in pregnancy

The use of antibacterial drugs in the periodbearing a child is highly undesirable. After all, there is a risk of negative influence on the developing small organism and the course of pregnancy as a whole. However, not all antibiotics are contraindicated in this period. If necessary, drugs from the penicillin group can be used, for example, Flemoxin (250 mg).

Flemoxin 250 mg

Safety of penicillins for pregnant women andThe fetus was established long ago. Therefore, in the presence of inflammatory processes of bacterial etiology in the future mother, the treating doctor-gynecologist can prescribe for treatment "Flemoxin solute". Do not apply to contraindications pregnancy and according to the official instructions of the drug. Please note that the drug can not be used without first consulting a specialist. Duration of treatment and dosage is determined after the examination of the patient.

The use of antibiotic "Flemoxin 250" in pediatrics: instruction

For children, according to the annotation, antibacteriala broad-spectrum drug is also suitable and can be prescribed for the treatment of the same inflammatory processes as in adult patients. In general, in pediatric practice, the drug is prescribed often enough and has proved itself from the positive side. Many parents worry about how to give a pill to a baby. The manufacturer of the medicine states that "Flemoxin solute" can be grinded into powder and mixed with water or milk. In addition, the tablets have no pronounced bitter aftertaste due to the addition of saccharin and lemon flavor.

Dosage of the medicine

For the youngest patients, the daily dose,which should be divided into several receptions, is 30-60 mg of active ingredient per kilogram of the weight of the baby. More accurate dosage can be calculated only by the pediatrician, taking into account the features of the course of the disease. Children from one year to three are shown taking 250 or 125 mg of an antibacterial drug (2 and 3 times a day, respectively). Up to three years, babies can be given "Flemoxin solute" by first rinsing the tablet and stirring the resulting powder in a small amount of liquid (15-20 ml). As a result of such manipulation, a syrup that is pleasant enough to taste, which the child will drink without problems, is obtained. You can take the medicine regardless of the meal.

Flemoxin solutab 250 instructions

"Flemoxin 250" for children over three years of age and up to10 years of age are given in a dosage of 375 mg twice a day or 250 mg in three divided doses. The specialist should adjust the daily dose of the drug throughout the therapy. In the case of the acute phase of pathology, an antibiotic 3 times a day is recommended.

Children with 10 years of age and adult patients with pills"Flemoxin soluteba" should be administered at a dosage of 500 mg twice a day. Adult dose can be increased to 750 mg of active ingredient. The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days, but in the case of streptococcal infection, the therapy is prolonged to 10 days.


The antibiotic of the penicillin group refers tosufficiently powerful medications, so it can not be taken to all patients. The drug is not prescribed in cases of hypersensitivity to penicillins. Quite often in children and adults, there is a history of allergy to this group of medicines, as well as to cephalosporins. Therefore, before the doctor prescribes the drug, you should inform him about previous negative reactions to such therapy.

Caution should be taken when takinginfectious mononucleosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and hepatic insufficiency, during lactation. During pregnancy, "Flemoxin 250" may be administered only after consultation with a doctor.

Possible side effects

Adverse reactions after drug administrationRarely develop. Most patients complain of allergies, expressed as rashes, redness of the skin, itching, dermatitis, fever, rhinitis. It is these symptoms that are most common in babies. Therefore, in parallel with taking an antibiotic, the child should be given an antihistamine. In rare cases, there is an anaphylactic shock, which shows the provision of emergency medical care and the introduction of penicillinase. By the way, penicillins are in the first place in the manifestation of such a serious side effect.

Flemoxin 250 instruction for children

From the side of the digestive tract candevelop disorders: diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, painful colic, constipation, nausea and vomiting. Long-term antibiotic treatment causes stomatitis, thrush, glossitis, jaundice, hepatic cholestasis.

The nervous system is also under attack.One of the most common symptoms of side effects are dizziness, insomnia, convulsions, confusion, anxiety. On the part of the hematopoiesis system, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, and leukopenia can develop. Such side effects are extremely rare.

Reviews about the drug "Flemoxin solute"

Применяют антибиотик в медицинской практике уже a long time. Specialists recommend it only if the patient had no history of allergic reactions to penicillin and cephalosporin drugs. "Flemoxin 250" reviews from patients are also generally positive. The drug helps to cope with many bacterial pathogens and to remove the inflammatory process. The only drawback is the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Than to replace?

To replace the antibiotic of the penicillin series, belonging to the third generation, will not be difficult, because the pharmaceutical companies produce a large number of drugs based on amoxicillin.

Flemoxin 250 reviews

The analogs of the original medicament are:

  1. "Amoxicillin solute" (tablets).
  2. "Gramox-A."
  3. "Amoxicillin" (powder for the preparation of suspension).
  4. "Amoxil".
  5. "Iramox".
  6. Ospamox.
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