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Onion husks in folk medicine

Onion husks in folk medicine occupy an important place. It can also be used in cooking, households and as effective medicinal products.

Onion husks: application

It should be noted that there are the following effective means of onion peel: infusion, tincture and decoction. Consider the preparation of each of them separately.

Infusion.For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of shells with boiling water (half a liter), then cover and leave for 8-10 hours, then strain. For outdoor application, the amount of water that is poured on onion peel should be reduced to 1 cup.

Tincture. We take 50 g of husk and pour 1 glass of vodka, close with a dense lid, then put in a dark place for several weeks. In this case, a couple of times a week, tincture should be shaken.

Broth. To make it, you need to pour a glass of husk into a saucepan and pour 10 glasses of water. All this is brought to a boil and boil for about 15 minutes. After that, the broth must be cooled and filtered.

Now let's look at some examples in which the tinctures, infusions and decoctions described above are used.

Strengthening and coloring of hair. For prevention of hair loss and strengtheningA decoction of onion peel is used (infusion is possible). It is necessary several times a week to wet hair, rubbing the solution into the scalp. After that, wear a special hat or plastic bag and wrap your hair with a towel. After half an hour, wash them with shampoo.

So your hair will looksilky and shiny. It should be noted that light hair color can acquire a slight reddish shade. But if you want to paint them in this way, then this is done in the following way. To prepare a natural dye, it is necessary to place the onion peel in a saucepan, which must fill it by a third. Pour boiling water (liter) and boil on a small fire for about half an hour. Then cool and strain. The resulting solution should be applied evenly to the hair and kept for about two hours, wearing a hat and wrapped in a towel.

Normalization of the menstrual cycle. Quite often onion husks in folk medicineUsed as a normalization of the menstrual cycle. For this take a third of the glass of broth several times a day. You can also add a scoop of oregano during its preparation.

Rinse throat and treat infections of the mouth. To do this, use a decoction, whichis prepared for external use. During a cold, they can gargle every few hours. Also this broth for the treatment of inflammation of the oral cavity will help.

Onion husks in folk medicine are also used to treat barley, skin diseases in the form of compresses.

Salo in onion peel. It is impossible not to mention the use of husks forcooking fat. To do this, pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 200 g of salt, half a cup of husk and a couple of bay leaves. Then bring to a boil and put 1 kg of fat in the water, you can have pork brisket, and cook for about half an hour. After this, leave to insist on the night in the broth. The next day, take out the fat, drain and roll in a mixture of pepper with crushed garlic. After that, put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

Fighting pests of vegetable gardens and gardens. To do this, pour 1 liter can of onion huskboiling water in an amount of 10 liters. Then a day to insist, strain and spray the plants. Repeat this procedure is necessary every 5 days. This remedy is very effective against spider mites and other pests.

As we see, the use of onion husks is veryis diverse. Therefore, before you throw it in the bin, think about whether it is useful as a medicine or for other uses. After all, onion husks in folk medicine, and not only, are quite effective.

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