/ / Dufalac for newborns. Instructions and indications for its use.

Dufalac for newborns. Instructions and indications for its use.

When young parents have a firstchild, they not only acquire the most dear to himself a little man, but also face a number of problems in caring for him. One of the most common issues of concern to young mothers is the baby's chair. It should pass some time until the bowel work is completely normalized. Therefore, a newborn can often be disturbed by constipation. Most often, constipation occurs in children who are on artificial or mixed feeding. The reason may lie in an unsuitable mixture or the wrong way of preparing it. Initially, parents try to solve the problem on their own: they make a tummy massage, give the child more fluids, put on a warm diaper on the tummy, a woman breast-feeding begins to consume laxatives (cucumbers, prunes, beets, kefir, etc.). However, they do not always succeed, and you have to seek help from a pediatrician. He can appoint "Dufalac" for newborns to eliminate such trouble. The instruction for this preparation is simple enough and allows you to easily understand its application.

"Dufalac" is a hypoammonemic remedy thatis available in 15 ml disposable sachets, as well as 500 and 200 ml polyethylene bottles along with a measuring cup. "Dufalac" is a viscous transparent syrup, which can be colorless or light yellow with a slight brownish tinge. The main substance of the drug is lactulose, and the auxiliary substance is purified water.

After the purchase of the drug "Dufalac" forThe instructions given to this medication must be read by you. From it you can find out that this laxative drug has a hyperosmotic effect, improves the absorption of calcium and phosphate salts, normalizes the work of the intestine, promotes the excretion of ammonium ions.

Embedded in a box with the drug "Dufalac" fornewborn instructions describes the pharmacological effect of the drug: intestinal flora of the colon cleaves lactulose, which is part of the drug, organic low-molecular acids. This helps to lower the pH and increase the osmotic pressure. As a result, the volume of contents in the intestine increases. All these effects affect the change in the consistency of the stool and promote the excretion of stool. In addition, lactulose is a prebiotic substance, and therefore it increases the growth of beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. At the same time lactulose inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and this provides a favorable balance of the intestinal flora.

In order to get some information about Dufalac, how to take it and in what cases, you can simply read the instructions. Among the indications for use in it are listed:

  • Constipation: physiological regulation of the rhythm of emptying the large intestine;
  • Prevention and treatment of hepatic coma or precoma;
  • For medical purposes - a stool softener (after operations on the large intestine, with hemorrhoids).

Начиная лечение препаратом «Дюфалак», способ You can also learn from the instructions. It varies depending on the age of the patient. You should know that even if the dose the doctor prescribed to you does not match the one described in the instructions, you still need to follow the recommendations of the specialist. After all, he appoints the drug on the basis of an individual examination of each child.

Необходимо сказать, что если вам был прописан "Dufalac" for newborns, the instruction should not only be studied by you, but also preserved throughout the use of the drug. The leaflet should not be thrown away so that you can refer to it again if there are any questions about side effects or overdose.

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