/ / Children's Paracetamol: reviews of doctors. Candles "Paracetamol" for children

Children's "Paracetamol": reviews of doctors. Candles "Paracetamol" for children

With the birth of the baby, mom and dad get happiness,which is always accompanied by difficulties. Most new parents are concerned about the health of the baby. However, no child has yet grown up without viral and bacterial diseases. This article will tell you about what the drug "Paracetamol" reviews doctors. Also you will learn in what forms this tool is produced. It is necessary to highlight candles "Paracetamol" for children. Reviews about this drug will also be described below.

paracetamol reviews

Forms of release of a medicine

Currently, there are many pharmaceuticalcompanies that produce analogues of the drug "Paracetamol." They can be in the form of tablets, syrups, candles, soluble powder or effervescent capsules. All these compounds combine the fact that the main active ingredient is paracetamol. It is worth noting that the dosage of this component may differ.

Children's Paracetamol (syrup) reviews are exceptionally positive. Also very popular is the drug, produced in rectal suppositories. This is exactly what will be discussed later.

children's paracetamol syrup reviews

Structure of the medicine

The main instrument isparacetamol in an amount of 100 milligrams per candle. Also included is the fat base (25 milligrams). As a result, you can buy suppositories with paracetamol weighing 1.25 grams.

To whom is the medicine prescribed?

When should Paracetamol suppositories be used for children? The comments of doctors and the instruction indicate that the medicine is recommended for the treatment of the symptoms of certain pathological processes.

Suppositories perfectly remove fever and fever.Also, the remedy fights inflammation and is somewhat antiseptic. The drug removes the pain syndrome, which can have a different origin.

It should be noted that this form is preferablefor use in the treatment of children from three months to 12 years. However, in some cases, the medicine can be used from the first days of the child's life. At the same time, an individual dosage is selected, which may require separation of the candle.

paracetamol candles for children reviews

How do candles work with paracetamol on children?

Попадая в кишечник ребенка, практически The medicine "Paracetamol" (candles) starts to act immediately. Parents' reviews suggest that after 20-30 minutes a noticeable effect from the treatment may come.

The drug is rapidly absorbed in the intestine, from wheregets into the blood. The main part of the composition passes through the liver. The drug blocks pain receptors and thermoregulation in the central nervous system. It should be noted that the remedy can not always affect the inflamed sections. That is why the antiseptic effect of this treatment will be minimal.

children's paracetamol reviews

Candles Paracetamol: instructions for use

The doctors' comments on the drug say that before using it, you must necessarily study the annotation. How is the drug used?

The instruction says that the medicine should notused for more than three days as an antipyretic. Also it is necessary to limit the use for pain relief. In this case, the drug can be administered no more than five days. Means is used from two to four times a day. In this case, the interval between doses should not be less than four hours. Dosage should be as follows:

  • for infants of the first year of life - one candle per reception (100 milligrams);
  • children from one to three years - 1-1.5 suppositories (100-150 milligrams);
  • from three to five years, children are given 1.5 or 2 candles (150-200 milligrams);
  • at the age of 5 to 10 years - 2.5-3.5 suppositories (250-350 milligrams);
  • children from 10 to 15 years are administered 4-5 doses (400-500 milligrams).

As you can see, the dose increases with the age of the child.It is rather inconvenient to use several candles at a time. To do this, the manufacturer produces different dosages of the drug. Pay attention to them when purchasing Paracetamol.

Parents' reviews and instructions also reportthat you should always take into account the weight of the baby when using this drug. In a day, the dose of the drug should not exceed 60 milligrams of paracetamol per kilogram of the child's weight. The calculation is as follows.

For example, the weight of the patient is 12 kilograms.If you select the dose specified in the annotation, the single portion will be two candles (200 milligrams). Applying the drug four times, you will receive 800 milligrams of paracetamol per day. We will try to make a calculation taking into account the limitations. Allow 60 mg of the drug multiplied by 12 kilograms of the weight of the baby. As a result, we get 720 milligrams of paracetamol. It is this amount that can be used for treatment for one day. The resulting value is slightly less than what is written in the instruction. This indicates that you must always make this calculation in order to avoid an overdose.

paracetamol reviews of doctors

Does the drug have side effects?

Children's Paracetamol reviews have positivebecause of their safety. This drug is often prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women. This once again proves its effectiveness and the absence of a negative effect on the body.

However, in some cases,side effects. Most often they appear as a rash and itching. Less common may be headache, intestinal disorders, hemopoiesis and other effects.

Can everyone use candles?

The drug "Paracetamol" reviews are positive. However, despite this, the tool may have some limitations in use.

As you already know, suppositories on recommenduse for children less than three months old. However, there may be exceptions. If an emergency situation occurs, the doctor may prescribe a single dose of the drug. In this case, the weight of the baby is taken into account, the candle is divided into several portions.

Когда еще нельзя давать препарат «Парацетамол» children? Testimonials and instructions speak about the following. Suppositories are not used for hepatic or renal failure, if there are various blood diseases. Also, an absolute contraindication is viral hepatitis.

paracetamol candles reviews

Children's "Paracetamol": reviews of doctors

The tool has only positive feedback.in doctors. Despite the fact that now there are more popular and modern means to reduce the temperature and eliminate pain, doctors are trying to prescribe this particular drug. This is explained by many reasons.

It is worth noting that, just like candles, children"Paracetamol" (syrup) has good reviews. However, it is recommended to use it even when the child has a reflex of pushing out food with the tongue. This happens around the end of the first year of life. "Paracetamol" (pills) reviews are positive. They are quite effective and safe. However, they are not very convenient to use for small children. Consider what are found on the drug "Paracetamol" reviews of doctors.

Available remedy

The drug "Paracetamol" has good reviews due toits affordability and low cost. You do not need a prescription from your doctor to purchase funds. You can buy it at any local pharmacy.

The average cost of tablets is 5-15 rubles.Candles also will cost you a bit more expensive (about 50 rubles). If you want to buy a syrup, then be ready to pay about 100 rubles for it. It should be noted that similar drugs may have a higher price. Everything is explained by the fact that they contain additional components.

Safe medicine

Детский «Парацетамол» отзывы врачей имеет только good ones. This is due to the fact that the pills, suppositories and syrup have virtually no negative effects on the body. Of course, the tool is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver. Reception of a medicine does not pass completely.

However, doctors say that other drugshaving the same effect can have a much worse effect on the work of the liver, kidneys and the excretory system. That is why it is necessary to give preference to this medicine.

paracetamol tablets reviews

Efficient and fast action

Means "Paracetamol" (syrup) reviews of doctorshas positive because of the quick effect. After taking the solution, you will note the desired action in a few minutes. The drug is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is distributed throughout the body.

Медики говорят о том, что таблетки имеют более prolonged exposure. First, the capsule should dissolve, only after that it will begin to act. That is why to achieve rapid effect, doctors prescribe the liquid form of the drug.

Lasting effect

Doctors say that the remedy, despiteits security, very long acting. That is why you can make a long interval between taking the drug "Paracetamol". Instructions, reviews of doctors and parents say that after using the tool its effect can last up to eight hours.

Rectal suppositories have a longer lasting effect on the body. This is due to the fact that the drug is available in fat composition.

paracetamol children reviews

Ease of use

The drug is very convenient to use.This is what all pediatricians and therapists say. You can choose any form of means. For small children of the first six months of life should prefer rectal suppositories. They can be easily and quickly entered without any discomfort for the baby.

It is worth noting that the medicine can be used while the child is sleeping. Just gently enter the candle and do not wake the crumbs.

Possibility of use for pregnant and lactating women

Doctors say that the drug "Paracetamol"so safe that it can be used by future or newly-made moms. The drug is absorbed into the blood and partially excreted in breast milk. That is why doctors prescribe the use of funds immediately after breastfeeding. Observing this mode, you will completely protect your baby from the effects of the drug.

Medication can be prescribed from the earliestterms of pregnancy. It does not affect the growing fetus. It is worth noting that fever and pain can be much more dangerous for the unborn child.

paracetamol syrup reviews

Could some other medicine be applied?

Doctors claim that the remedy helps a lot"Paracetamol" for acne. Reviews of women suggest that regular use of this tool helps to forget about problem skin forever. How to use the drug for these purposes?

Take one tablet of the drug and grind it.using a mortar. You can also use a regular spoon. Add a few drops of water to the powder formulation. After that, you need to apply the solution on a cotton pad or a clean sponge. Apply the prepared compress to the inflamed areas of the skin for a few minutes.

Если прыщи красные и болят, то можно использовать drug for 15-20 minutes. In chronic inflammation of the areas of the face, the exposure time should be reduced to 10 minutes. After that, wash your face with clean water and apply a moisturizer.

The drug can be used as a scrub.for face. This tool should be used exclusively for oily skin that does not have inflamed areas. Expand the “Paracetamol” pill and add the crushed “Furacilin” or “Streptocide” pill to it. Mix the powder with a few drops of water and apply evenly on the face. Wait 5-7 minutes and gently massage the skin. Rinse the solution with clean water and wipe with lotion. If necessary, use a cream or moisturizing gel after the procedure.

paracetamol application instructions reviews

What are the analogues of the drug?

Currently, almost every pharmaceutical company produces drugs that contain paracetamol. Among them are candles, syrups and other forms of medication.

Among rectal suppositories can be identifiedthe following: "Cefekon D", "Efferalgan", "Panadol", "Altpharm Paracetamol" and so on. If you decide to use syrup, you can use the following analogues: “Kalpol”, “Panadol”, “Paracetamol suspension”, “Daleron” and others. Among the pills you can find the following: "Panadol", "Efferalgun", "Strymol", and so on.

The drug "Paracetamol" may be produced ininjections. In this case, the alternative will be the means "Perfalgan." Effervescent capsules and powders for making tea also contain this substance. These include "Theraflu", "Ferveks", "Coldrex" and so on.

Many patients choose analogues of differentmedicines for ease of use and because of the cheapness. It is worth noting that doctors do not recommend doing so. Any change in the treatment or dosage of the prescribed drug may lead to unexpected consequences and not bring any positive effect. Especially it is not necessary to engage in self-designation when it comes to the health of the child. It is also dangerous to purchase similar drugs and generics to future and nursing mothers. The composition of substitutes may include additional components dangerous for the child.

Summing up and a small conclusion

Means "Paracetamol" is safe andeffective, according to doctors. The drug is available to everyone and can be used in various pathologies. The medicine copes with pain of various origins, relieves fever and chills, returns a person to normal life. Remember that in some cases, timely use of the drug can save you from complications.

Перед использованием препарата стоит обязательно consult with a specialist and choose the correct dosage. Never exceed the specified portion without first seeing a doctor. Otherwise, side effects associated with overdose may develop. If this happens, timely symptomatic treatment should be applied.

Use the drug "Paracetamol" if necessary, in compliance with all instructions. Cheers and do not get sick!

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