/ This terrible panaritium. Treatment and types

This horrible frenzy. Treatment and types

Purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger inmedicine is called a panaricium. The causative agent of this disease is usually staphylococcus, sometimes streptococcus. Infection occurs by getting the infection through minor damage to the integrity of the skin (injections, splinters, cracks, wounds).

Panaritium, treatment

There are several types of panaricium:

1 - skin - suppuration, located between the skinand epidermal coat. In this form of the disease, the temperature and general condition of the patient is normal. The pain has a weak intensity, is localized in a certain area, which has redness and swelling. Recovery occurs when pus breaks through. If time does not take action, subcutaneous felon develops. The treatment comes down to removing the sharp scissors of the skin to release the pus. A low-disinfecting ointment is applied to the wound.

2 - subcutaneous.The most common type of felon. Inflammation is formed in the subcutaneous tissue, accompanied by its necrosis. The temperature of the patient rises from 37.5 ° C and higher, in the place of inflammation there is a throbbing pain. Tension of tissues and swelling are noticeable in the flexed position of the finger. With the spread of the process may develop pandaktilit, articular, bone or tendinous felon. Treatment begins with the introduction of a solution of novocaine and penicillin intraarterially. Within 3-4 days the pain subsides, recovery begins, sometimes an autopsy is required to break the pus.

Bone felon

3 - bone felon.Formed after damage to the bone, periosteum with infected wounds or as a result of a complication of subcutaneous felon. In the early stages, the symptoms are the same as with subcutaneous panaritium. But more pronounced. The temperature rises to 40 °. The pain is observed throughout the phalanx, which has a bulbous thickening. On the X-ray after 2-3 weeks from the onset of the disease, destructive changes are visible. Surgical treatment is required.

4 - articular panaritium - inflammationmetacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. The pain is present even at rest, the joint forms the shape of a spindle. Gradually, the lateral ligaments are destroyed, there is a crunch during movement and lateral mobility. The radiograph shows uneven, corroded contours at the ends of the joints of the phalanx. Treatment of this felon carried out only promptly.

5 - tendovaginitis (feline tendinous) -inflammation of the sheaths of the tendons. The cause is a sharp object of the tendon sheath, a complicated infected skin wound or subcutaneous felon. Treatment is prompt.

Subungual felon

6 - paronychia or periungual felon - suppuration of the periungual roller. If you press on the nail, from under it is the release of pus. It is treated by removing the nail root, without damaging the bed.

7 - subungual felon - inflammation,developing under the nail. The ingress of a foreign body under the nail or suppuration of the hematoma causes subungual felon. The treatment consists in trepanning the nail to ensure the outflow of pus.

8 - pandactyl - suppuration of all tissues of the finger.Usually arises due to incorrect treatment of articular, bone felon or tendovaginitis. Purulent fusion of soft tissues, joints, bones and tendons occurs. Leukocytosis is present in the patient's blood. The finger is significantly increased in size, not moving. The treatment consists of finger amputation.

Thus, in order to prevent serious consequences, one should be very careful about their health.

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