/ / Types, symptoms and treatment of reflux gastritis

Types, symptoms and treatment of reflux gastritis

The appearance of reflux gastritis indicatesrelease of duodenal contents into the stomach cavity. It can be both an independent disorder and a sign of chronic gastritis. The main cause of this disease is a violation of the duodunal patency of the chronic type that arose as a result of mechanical or functional impact. Also, the appearance of reflux gastritis can be observed after surgical interventions performed on the duodenum or stomach.

Types and symptoms of the disease

reflux of gastritis

Types of reflux gastritis are determined by its characteristic features:

  • Дуоденогастральный.Characterized by the reverse flow of the entire contents of the duodenum into the stomach, into which foreign enzymes penetrate. As a result, the whole process of digestion becomes more complicated. As a result of this reflux gastritis, the stomach suffers most. Symptoms of the pathology include: the appearance of yellow plaque in the tongue, heartburn, voluntary and involuntary eructations, intestinal spasms, accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
    treatment of reflux gastritis
  • Гастроэзофагеальный.It is characterized by the penetration of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. The most common symptom of this pathology is heartburn, pain and pain at the top of the sternum, especially after eating. The cause of the disease is the weakened digestive sphincter, accompanied by intragastric pressure. As a rule, this happens with diabetes and after operations on the digestive tract, as well as with excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking.
  • Biliary.This is a chronic process, accompanied by the release of bile into the stomach of the duodenum. This pathology occurs because of a weakened muscular ring of the stomach. It occurs against the background of the use of anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs and after surgery. Such reflux gastritis can have the following symptoms: a feeling of overflow of the stomach after eating, unpleasant mouthfeel, the appearance of a bitter eructation, stool breaking, nausea, aching and dull pain, dry skin, anemia and weakness of the body.

Reflux gastritis: treatment

reflux gastritis treatment

As a rule, to get rid of this pathologymost doctors recommend adhering to a special diet, which is based on the intake of semi-liquid and boiled food. In this case, all used foods should be very well absorbed by the body. After the peak of the disease, milk and sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits are allowed to enter the diet. Categorically prohibited are all fried foods, alcohol, rye and white bread. Conservative treatment of reflux gastritis is also in the intake of medicines: antacids, drugs that fix the work of the duodenum and stomach, vitamins and reparants. The surgical method is used in the most extreme case, when the symptoms of the disease are expressed in a strong measure, and the disease itself is progressing.

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