/ / Reflux-gastritis and its treatment

Reflux gastritis and its treatment

Reflux gastritis is a pathological process thatdevelops because of the casting of the contents of the duodenum, which contains bile, into the cavity of the stomach. This type of gastritis is less common than all other chronic forms, but it is accompanied by more severe symptoms.

Желчь в норме не должна попадать в желудок.If this does happen, then, it affects the gastric mucosa for a long time, causing damage, which leads to inflammation, a chronic gastritis. Reverse casting of the contents is possible due to the weakness of the gatekeeper (a special muscular formation that ensures the gradual intake of stomach contents into the intestine). In addition, reflux gastritis can be caused by chronic duodenitis or increased pressure in the 12-типерстной gut. Most often this form of gastritis occurs after operations on the stomach, as well as after prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Reflux gastritis is characterized by the following main symptoms:

- a feeling of heaviness or overflow of the stomach immediately after a meal,

- an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth,

- belching bitterness,

- nausea.

For this pathology, diarrhea is characteristic, whichalternate with constipation, as well as bloating. It should be noted that biliary reflux-gastritis, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain syndrome. If pain also arises, it is usually dull and aching, intensifying immediately after ingestion. Changes in this disease disrupt the process of absorption of nutrients from food, which causes the occurrence of possible significant weight loss, anemia, dry skin and general weakness.

The diagnosis of chronic reflux gastritis can not be made solely on the basis of symptoms. A thorough examination is necessary:

- general and biochemical blood tests,

- Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS),

- ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs.

You may need a biopsy of the stomach mucosa or fluoroscopy of the duodenum and stomach. A full examination will help not to miss another pathology of the abdominal organs.

Treatment of reflux gastritis should be conductedcomplex and be aimed at normalizing the functioning of the intestine, as well as restoring the normal binding of bile acids. Since bile acids cause damage to the gastric mucosa only in the presence of hydrochloric acid, the patient may be prescribed proton pump inhibitors (these drugs reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid). To prevent backfilling (reflux) into the stomach, prokinetics are prescribed (they normalize the motor skills). In therapy of this pathology, ursodeoxycholic acid is also used to neutralize bile acids. Preparations containing lactulose, promote the normalization of intestinal microflora.

Nutrition with reflux-gastritis is importantplace in complex therapy. The main principles of nutrition in this disease include fractional and frequent meals in small quantities. It is necessary to exclude from the diet products that injure the gastric mucosa, as well as honey, sugar, jam, very hot or cold dishes, various sweet porridges. You can not drink in the process of eating (you can only after 20 minutes). In addition, it is necessary to completely abandon fish, meat and vegetable broths, fatty meat and fish, smoked products, pickles and pickles, canned food, sausages, black bread, biscuits, unsweetened fruits and vegetables, alcoholic beverages and chocolate.

Also, the necessary treatment point for reflux gastritis is the treatment of concomitant diseases of the digestive tract and other organs.

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