/ / Gastritis: exacerbation, symptoms, treatment

Gastritis: exacerbation, symptoms, treatment

Due to malnutrition and poor ecologypeople are susceptible to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is, for example, gastritis. Aggravation, symptoms, treatment and who is at risk - you will learn about this in this article.

gastritis exacerbation symptoms
In the risk group

Malnutrition, namely:fast food, fried, salted, smoked, fizzy - all this leads to problems with the digestive tract. People do harm not only to the stomach, but to all digestive organs. Only six months of such a "diet" can lead to a chronic illness. The risk group includes people who like to lose weight quickly. As a rule, you need to make an individual nutrition program in accordance with the characteristics of the body. But many, not having visited the dietician, start to "grow thin" with the help of easily accessible and dangerous food programs. As a result, gastritis, exacerbation.


This disease is characterized by severe pain aboveThe navel. Sometimes a person literally moans. The pain syndrome can last for a day or even longer. It is necessary to call a doctor, since the exacerbation of gastritis is easy to confuse inexperienced in these matters to a person with appendicitis. Periodically, there may be attacks of nausea and vomiting. And also diarrhea, diarrhea, bloating, constipation. Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis are characterized by the fact that pain can be cutting, stabbing and just not stopping. But this does not mean that you just need to drink anesthetic and forget about the pain. It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist.

signs of exacerbation of gastritis
Diagnosis of the disease "gastritis": exacerbation

Symptoms should be described to the doctor.To begin with, the doctor will perform visual and tactile examinations. Then he will write directions for the study of blood, urine and feces. This is a standard set of tests. It will be necessary to undergo ultrasound examination. Also, some doctors consider it necessary to prescribe fibrogastroscopy. This procedure is painless, but very unpleasant.

How does gastritis become chronic?

The disease becomes chronic, ifthe patient does not heal it. After unpleasant and painful symptoms disappear, a person simply forgets about his illness and continues to eat more harmful food. But gastritis does not go anywhere, it simply passes into a chronic form with periodic exacerbations. A year or two you may not even suspect that your mucous membrane is inflamed.

symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis

Gastritis: an exacerbation

Симптомы заболевания в острой форме проявляются sharp pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness. If a person eats something that is not provided by a diet, then an exacerbation can occur after 4-9 hours. The main thing is to call the doctor in time, an experienced specialist will not allow the transition of gastritis to a chronic form, having prescribed the necessary therapy.

If you have gastritis (exacerbation)

Symptoms of this disease are manifested by pain andnausea. Good help to get rid of unpleasant sensations preparations "Almagel", "Gastal", "Maalox", "Fosfalugel" and so on. There are other drugs, the doctor will make an appointment for individual indications. The main thing is to observe strictly a diet: to exclude fried, salty, smoked, spicy, less flour and sweet. And no fast food and soda!

False signs of exacerbation of gastritis

It happens that gastritis is confused with appendicitis and banal spasms. It is only the doctor who can determine the cause of the ailment, should not be treated independently.

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