/ / treatment of gastritis folk remedies

gastritis treatment folk remedies

Symptoms of gastritis

The stomach is a muscle bag, the innerthe surface of which is covered with mucous membrane. Inflammation of this membrane is called gastritis, which can be of varying severity - from local redness, up to peptic ulcer. Disease prone people of active age. There are gastritis with high acidity, normal and low, depending on which is selected the best treatment option. There is a disease of burning in the stomach, pain, feeling of fullness and heaviness, vomiting, heartburn, belching and abnormal stool, weakness and dizziness. Acute gastritis, with inadequate treatment, becomes chronic or gastric ulcer, and may produce seasonal exacerbations or exacerbations during mental or physical overload. In severe cases, the stomach may lose its ability to recover and lead to cancer. Treatment of gastritis folk remedies should be carried out after diagnosis and determination of acidity with the help of an experienced gastroenterologist.


The main causes of gastritis:unhealthy diet, stress, chronic sleep deprivation, lack of moderate physical activity, long-term medication, harmful habits that reduce human immunity, Helicobacter pylori, liver, kidney or intestinal diseases, metabolic disorders. Individually, these causes are not as dangerous, but in aggregate they can cause not only gastritis, but other equally unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Separately it is worthwhile to dwell on the term “unhealthy diet”, it includes: irregular meals with large intervals, overeating, snacks “on the go”, “dry rations”, ingestion of poorly chewed food, excessively spicy, salty or sweet foods, fried fatty dishes , products with an abundance of chemical additives (preservatives, solvents, flavors, hormones and antibiotics).

Treatment of gastritis folk remedies

Treatment of gastritis folk remediesinvolves a strict long-term diet for unloading the stomach and taking herbal to relieve inflammation. The diet includes: soups, thin cereals, puddings, jelly, low-fat boiled finely chopped meat or fish. Food should be of medium temperature (37 ° C). It is advisable to reduce or, better, eliminate complex heat and chemical processing of food, fatty foods, chemical additives, spices, acid and salt, flour products and fresh bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, and alcohol for the period of compliance with the restoring diet. It is useful to follow the recommendations on separate nutrition. Portions of food should be small, food intake - 5-6 times a day. Folk treatment of gastritis involves taking decoctions of plantain, chamomile, calendula, peppermint, flax seed, mallow, mallow, altea medicinal, yarrow, celery roots, hop cones, birch bark, freshly squeezed potato juice, etc. Ready-made fees for gastritis with a certain level of acidity can be purchased at pharmacies.

Treatment of gastritis folk remediesIt also implies, in the period of seasonal exacerbations, whenever possible, to undergo a sanatorium-resort treatment, take mud and drink medicinal water. In addition, in the sanatoriums, the human psyche usually relaxes and unloads, which contributes to a faster recovery and recovery.

Prevention of gastritis

Traditional methods of treating gastritis implyprevention of onset and exacerbations of chronic gastritis. First of all, it is about not provoking the emergence of an acute condition of this disease. To do this, you must follow the rules of hygiene, eat high-quality fresh food, eat regularly, balanced, small portions, while food must be chewed thoroughly, get rid of bad habits, promptly heal exacerbated inflammatory processes in the body, limit the use of drugs that provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes stomach or intestines. In addition, it is very important to avoid mental and physical overstrain, especially prolonged. To all of this, you should add regular moderate physical exertion, good sleep, and, as mentioned above, before starting a seasonal exacerbation, resort to a spa treatment and drink herbal infusions with courses of 3-6 weeks. The above recommendations for the prevention and timely treatment of gastritis folk remedies will help avoid the recurrence of such an unpleasant, painful and dangerous disease.

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