/ / How to increase testosterone folk remedies for men? Drugs that increase testosterone

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men? Drugs that increase testosterone

Today, the situation develops in such a way thatin many men, often young, testosterone is at a fairly low level. This is primarily due to bad habits and an incorrect way of life. Drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, smoking, unbalanced diet, minimal physical activity - all this leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones and health problems. On how to increase testosterone folk remedies for men, we will talk about this article. We will talk about all the natural ways to increase the amount of this hormone in the body.

than to increase testosterone

How testosterone levels affect men's health

При недостатке данного андрогена у мужчины decreased sexual desire, decreased strength and muscle mass, there are no secondary sexual characteristics, irritability and fatigue appear. In addition, if you do not use the means to increase testosterone in conditions of a hormone deficiency, such things as depression, memory loss, mental capacity, concentration of attention, decrease in vital energy and tone, slowing of metabolism will be observed, which will lead to an increase in fatty deposits. Now you have no doubt that it is very important to know how to increase testosterone in men?

Features of nutrition

Without proper nutrition in general, you can forget aboutthis androgen. The production of hormones is a very complex process, requiring the work of many organs, and in order to run it, certain components must be present. Just as without firewood it will not turn out to kindle a fire, and without vitamins and minerals it will not be possible to increase testosterone in the body.

drugs that increase testosterone in men

Required Products

So, for the synthesis of this androgen, you should monitor the intake of the following nutrients:

  • Minerals.For the molecule of testosterone, the main building material is zinc, so first of all you need to take care of its enough quantity in the body. This microelement is found in fish (trout, salmon, saury), seafood (anchovies, squids), sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts. Also for the production of a hormone, minerals such as calcium, selenium and magnesium are needed.
  • Vitamins.For a healthy man, many vitamins are needed, but in the synthesis of testosterone a special role is played by B-group substances, vitamins E, C and F. In this case, tocopherol (vitamin E) protects the androgen molecule from decay, and the remaining compounds participate directly in the production of the hormone. Such vitamins are found in rose hips, citrus fruits, fish oil, black currant, avocado.
  • Fats, proteins, carbohydrates.These substances are the basis of human life and nutrition, without them, not a single biochemical process, including the synthesis of testosterone. So, fats are the source of cholesterol, which takes part in the development of this androgen, so men should definitely include in the diet of meat, but not very fat.
  • Pure water.It is necessary to drink daily at least two liters of purified liquid, especially in the case of active sports. Drink only water. Store juices, soda and other similar beverages should be excluded.
    increase testosterone in the body

Unnecessary products

Many men do not know how to increase testosterone, and as a result they consume everything. However, not all food is useful in this regard. It is necessary to refuse absorption:

  • Fast carbohydrates (white bread, baked goods, sweets,chocolate and other sweet products). Their use provokes a sharp increase in insulin in the blood, and, as is known, this protein hormone acts as a testosterone antagonist, therefore, reduces its level.
  • Oily food. Overweight is the enemy of androgens, and eating with excess fat causes it to be stored in the body in reserve.
  • Carbonated and fizzy drinks. They contain a lot of sugar, and in general are harmful to health.

How to increase testosterone folk remedies in men

People in our time have forgotten about naturaldrugs and increasingly use synthetic drugs. Men take steroid, anabolic drugs that raise testosterone, although nature itself gives us a number of herbs that can affect the level of this androgen. For example, the plant Tribulus terrestris. Its useful properties were noticed even in antiquity. The grass grows in a tropical and temperate climate, it increases the content of the male hormone by increasing the production of luteotropin (LH), which gives a signal for the synthesis of testosterone. On the basis of this plant, various pharmaceutical preparations have been created, for example, the drug "Tribestan". They are often used by athletes to improve results.

how to increase testosterone folk remedies in men

Other natural medicines

Но применение травы Tribulus terrestris – это не the only way how to increase testosterone folk remedies for men. The production of the hormone also increases ginseng, it also increases the number of spermatozoa and positively affects the potency. This plant is useful to use in male infertility, as well as for the growth of energy and vitality of the body. Another important effect of ginseng is the increased release of endorphin (a hormone of joy) and the control of the synthesis of stress hormones. This is very important, because when stress is produced cortisol - the enemy of testosterone. The grass should be taken as a tincture, especially in the autumn-winter period.

На женьшень своими лечебными свойствами похоже another plant is eleutherococcus. It increases the function of the sexual glands, mental and physical performance, normalizes the sugar and cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the immune system, increases metabolism. Eleutherococcus can be used as an extract, tincture. Also in pharmacies, it is sold in the form of tablets.

means raising testosterone

Normalization of weight

Little to know how to increase testosterone folkmeans for men. The use of herbal tinctures, most likely, will not bring the desired result, if a person has an impressive body weight. People with excess weight have a low percentage of androgen content, and this is a fact, even tests do not need to take. The fact is that accumulated fatty tissue turns male hormones into female hormones (estrogens), and the higher the level of estrogens, the lower the level of testosterone. That's why physical activity is so important. Moderate exercises aimed at training large muscles, will give an increase in androgens. And no drugs that increase testosterone, you will not need. However, the main thing is to observe the measure, you can not overdo it, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Features of exercises with weighting

Training should not take more than an hour:warm-up - 10-15 minutes, exercises with weights - 45-50 minutes. In total, a week should be practiced 2-3 times, between training, at least one day break is needed to restore the strength and muscles of the body. Bench presses standing and lying, sit-ups, deadlifts are the basic strength exercises that allow increasing the content of testosterone. The weight of the shells must be such that it is possible to do 8-10 repetitions at most. Once again we draw attention to the fact that large muscle groups should be trained: legs, back, chest. This will give a tangible increase to the hormonal background. Active exercises aimed at calves, triceps, press, biceps, forearms, etc., will not bring you the right level of androgens.

than to increase testosterone in men

Drugs that increase testosterone in men

Of course, it is recommended to increase the contentsexual hormone in a natural way: through the use of folk remedies, proper nutrition, exercise. If all these actions do not work, you can use medicines that produce an androgenic effect. However, it should be remembered that this method is far from the best. Admission of such drugs is fraught with negative consequences.

So, among the drugs that increase the male hormone,The most popular are "Testosterone enanthate" and "Andriol" (testosterone undecanoate). The first drug is produced in different countries and can have different pharmaceutical names: Dante enant (Italy), Testoviron Depot (Spain), Testosterone Depot (Yugoslavia), etc. It shows both androgenic and anabolic properties (increases strength and muscle mass), therefore it is used by weightlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes engaged in strength training. Taking medication can be accompanied by side effects: the growth of the mammary glands, the appearance of acne, the reduction of spermatogenesis, atrophy of the testicles. Due to the fact that testosterone enters the body artificially, its natural synthesis is disrupted, that is, the work of the pituitary gland is impaired.

drugs that increase testosterone

A much smaller number of negative actionshas the drug "Andriol", it is characterized by mild androgenic activity and almost does not inhibit the production of its own testosterone. But at the same time, this remedy does not bring such a surge of hormone, as, say, "Testosterone enanthate".

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