/ / What causes nystatin. Instructions for use

What causes nystatin. Instructions for use

The drug "Nystatin" is classified as an antifungalmeans. It is mainly used for the treatment of infection such as yeast-like fungi - Candida, and also for the prevention of diseases caused by them. For example, candidiasis of different localization, caused by suppression of the flora of the gastrointestinal tract in the treatment of antibiotics. Especially when treating "Tetracycline", "Neomycin" and other drugs. For preventive purposes, "Nystatin" is also prescribed for patients with weakened immunity.

The mode of action of this drug is destructioncell membrane, getting inside the cell and then - destroying it from the inside. To adapt to "Nystatin" candidates need some time. If the treatment is delayed, the drug loses its effectiveness. Therefore, if a "Nystatin" is prescribed for the treatment of a fungal disease or the prevention of the latter, the instructions for use are extremely important.

The form of the preparation is different, since itacts directly on the area of ​​active candida growth. "Nystatin" in the form of tablets or granules for dilution with water (for toddlers) is used to treat candidiasis in the gastrointestinal tract. In the form of vaginal suppository suppository the drug is used to prevent and treat vaginal candidiasis, which is popularly known as thrush. Another form of release - rectal suppositories - is necessary for the therapy of colon candidiasis. And, finally, the last form is the ointment "Nystatin". Its application is the treatment of skin areas affected by a fungus.

Such a variety of forms of output is due to,that "Nystatin" is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which it can not fight fungi that affect mucous membranes of the respiratory system, mouth, and vaginal fungal infections. It should not be taken uncontrollably, because it has a side effect. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are a list of such side effects that Nystatin can cause. The instructions for use determine the doses of the preparation necessary for the treatment of candidiasis and its prophylaxis, and also clearly indicates in which case it is preferable to use certain forms of release of this drug.

In particular, the instruction specifies in whichnumber and how long should be used "Nystatin" for various types of candidiasis. Rectal suppositories are applied twice a day for 1-2. They are introduced into the anus after cleansing of the rectum in a natural way or with the help of an enema. Duration of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks. Vaginal suppositories "Nystatin" are injected into the vagina in the same amount and for the same period of time. Thus in the instruction it is stipulated, that at simultaneous application with clotrimazole "Nistatin" reduces efficiency of the given preparation.

Tablets are taken orally.Depending on the severity of the disease, adults are assigned to 250 or 500 thousand units. active substance 3 or 4 times a day, children under the age of 125 thousand units, from year to five years - 250 thousand units, children under 13 are offered to give a usual dose of an adult, but it is necessary to divide her on a greater number of receptions. In particularly complex diseases it is allowed to take up to 6000 thousand units.

There are cases of allergic reactions to"Nystatin." Instruction for use prohibits taking it for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for all other patients in the presence of sensitivity of the body to this drug. Moreover, in recent years, many other drugs have appeared that successfully replace "Nystatin" in the fight against fungal diseases, the spectrum of which is more extensive.

It is known that "Nystatin" is necessary in the treatmentantibiotics only in those cases when the patient's body is weakened by a serious disease. For example, patients with HIV infection or cancer patients. In other cases, the human body is able to cope with fungal lesions independently, without using the drug "Nystatin." The instructions for use also indicate that the period of treatment with the drug should last at least 10-14 days, since if these terms are violated, there is a possibility of development of resistant fungi that are not sensitive to it. In this case, the drug should be stopped immediately.

It should be remembered that when using"Nystatin" or any other antifungal agent, it is recommended to combine them with the intake of biologically active additives, which include various vitamin complexes. This will enable immunity to cope with the disease much faster.

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