/ / Antibiotic "Clindamycin": instructions for use

Antibiotic "Clindamycin": instructions for use

"Clindamycin" instructions for usecharacterizes as an antibiotic, which is used for topical application in gynecological practice. The drug belongs to the group of lincosamides. By its action, this drug suppresses the formation of protein in the cell of the microbe, thereby bacteriostatically affecting it. Being in a higher concentration, the drug "Clindamycin" is able to have a bactericidal action against most microorganisms.

The spectrum of the effect of the drug is very wide. "Clindamycin" successfully copes with microorganisms that cause vaginitis.

The drug is available as a vaginal cream intubes of 20 grams. Tubes, in turn, are packed in cardboard boxes. Necessarily attached to the drug "Clindamycin" (cream) instruction and a set of applicators, consisting of three pieces. Packages of 40 grams are attached to seven applicators. They are necessary for the correct administration of the drug.

The applicator should use the followingway. A tube with a cream, or rather, its neck, is provided with a special thread for its screwing. First of all, you need to remove the cap from the tube, then screw the nozzle. Apply the cream directly to the applicator, folding the tube from the back. The nozzle should be filled until its piston does not reach the stop. After the applicator is filled, it can be unscrewed from the tube, and then closed with a cap.

Having assumed a lying position (best on the back),It is necessary to enter the applicator in the vagina strictly horizontally. Entering it, as far as possible, gently push the piston to the stop and thus insert the cream. At the end of the procedure, the applicator should be carefully removed from the vagina. It can not be reused, so it must be discarded.

Drug is purchased at the pharmacy, but without a prescriptionthe doctor will not sell it. "Clindamycin" (cream) on pharmacy shelves can be seen under the name "Clindacin" - this is the second trade name of the drug. The manufacturer is the Russian CFC Akrihin (Moscow).

In the event that on the background of treatment with drug"Clindamycin" means pronounced or prolonged diarrhea, it is necessary to take into account the possible appearance and development of pseudomembranous colitis. This may be due to systemic absorption of the drug "Clindamycin", which occurs when it is used. It is also not recommended to use this medication with other intravaginal drugs.

Applied to the drug "Clindamycin"The instructions for use briefly describe the dosage regimen. More detailed information will be reported by the attending physician. Usually with the help of an applicator once a day before going to bed a single dose of cream, which is five grams, is injected into the vagina. Treatment is carried out for a week.

There are no cases of overdose.

Contraindications to the use of the drugis only an intolerance of any of its components, but about the side effects caused by the use of the drug "Clindamycin", the instruction for use reports in more detail:

  • genito-urinary system: the onset of cervicitis, vaginitis or vaginal irritation;

  • Gastrointestinal tract: may be abdominal pain, symptoms of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;

  • central nervous system: dizziness, headache;

  • allergic reactions: a rash on the skin.

Use the drug "Clindamycin" duringpregnancy is undesirable, as in the lactation period. However, if it is necessary for a woman, taking the medication is allowed provided that the benefit to the mother is more important than the risk to the fetus.

Information on the conditions and shelf life of the drug"Clindamycin" instructions for use also contains. According to it, the drug should be stored for no more than two years in a cool and dry place, which is protected from direct sunlight.

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