The pancreas, according to experts,is a very important organ in our body, the function of which is to develop the enzymes necessary for proper digestion of food. It also produces an insulin hormone, with a lack of which there is diabetes. Today, very many complain about the problems with the work of this body. A competent diet in this situation is really necessary. Otherwise, a constant heartburn, a feeling of nausea in the morning, vomiting, loss of appetite will not give a normal life. In this article we will consider the issue of normalizing the work of such an organ as the pancreas.
Symptoms, treatment, diet. Basic principles
As already noted above, for various kindsdiseases of this body are not the most pleasant symptoms. This is heartburn, nausea in the morning, and a constant sense of heaviness. To cope with this problem, it will take not only competent treatment, but also a special diet, which will be discussed below.
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Sample menu
For breakfast an excellent option is oatmealporridge cooked on the water. For lunch, you can bake vegetables in foil along with chicken fillet. For dinner, eat a protein omelet. As a snack in the diet is allowed to use low-fat cottage cheese, as well as fruit. If you follow this sample diet, you will not be bothered by the pancreas. Symptoms, a diet, and also constant consultations at experts will gradually leave your life.
Useful recommendations
In conclusion, it should be noted that the approximatethe diet presented in this article should be observed for some time after the attacks of pancreatitis. Otherwise, the disease will not recede, will lead to a lot of negative consequences. In addition, a diet for the pancreas throughout the course should be accompanied by a decrease in physical exertion, you should try not to overwork and avoid possible catarrhal diseases.