"Лактомин 80" – это концентрат сывороточного squirrel. It is produced in Germany. Today it is widely used in industry for the production of food: cheese, bakery and confectionery. In addition, "Lactomin 80" is the basis for the production of sports nutrition, it is mixed with flavors, dyes and thickeners in order to improve the taste of the product and significantly increase the price. In addition, this type of protein is in demand among athletes, as evidenced by numerous reviews. "Lactomin 80" is an ideal option for those who do not want to overpay for the brand and flavor additives.
As mentioned earlier, "Lactomin 80" isprotein, which is used for the production of sports nutrition. Protein "Lactomin 80", reviews of which are almost all positive, ideal for athletes due to the fact that it is absorbed within 40 minutes. Its composition contains pure protein and virtually no lactose, so it does not cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Сывороточный концентрат протеина по своим properties has some advantages over isolates, and in fact they are considered the best for gaining muscle mass. But in the "Lactomine 80" more of the primary protein, and it is necessary for the growth and repair of muscle cells. In addition, the concentrate contains a greater amount of immunoglobulin compared to the isolate, which suggests that it acts as a tonic on the human body. Another big plus (this is also evidenced by reviews) - "Laktomin 80" is the most affordable.
"Lactomin 80" is whey protein, it consists of several protein fractions:
All these components are characterized by a high splitting rate, which favorably affects the growth and recovery of muscle tissue.
In addition, Lactomin 80 is rich in amino acids,in composition close to the amino acid composition of human muscle tissue. Approximately 14% of whey milk proteins are in the form of decomposition products, they are the initiators of digestion and are involved in the synthesis of vital hormones and enzymes. In addition, milk proteins reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
The benefits of proteins for the human body to talkit is not necessary, only they, unlike fats and carbohydrates, are not deposited in the form of adipose tissue and are the building material for bones, hair and nails.
If we consider the composition of the powder "Lactomin 80" as a percentage, then it contains:
The protein from Germany Lactomin 80 is made fromregular cow milk. The technology of making powder is quite simple. First, the milk is fermented to separate the hard curd mass and whey. For a long time this green liquid, which has no taste, could not be used. But over time, manufacturers have learned to sift it through microfilters and thus obtain pure whey protein.
The advantage is that this product is completelynatural and does not contain chemical impurities. But keep in mind that in one liter of milk only 2.5-3 grams of protein, of which 80% are casein protein and only 20% are whey. Accordingly, for the manufacture of one kilogram of dry mix will need about 2 tons of milk. From this we can conclude that this product can not have a low cost.
Wherever it has found the use of "Lactomin 80"!Feedback from athletes about him is quite positive. But besides sports nutrition, this substance is used for the manufacture of baby food, beverages, yoghurts, confectionery.
However, due to its relativelyaffordable cost, he is more interested in athletes. For each, protein is needed daily. It has great value for the human body, participates in all metabolic processes and is the main component of almost all solid tissues - muscles, joints, nails, hair, bones.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to make a balanceda diet in which there will be a sufficient amount of easily digestible proteins. An adult healthy person, whose work is not related to physical activity, requires 1.3 g of protein per pound of weight per day. For those who work a lot physically, the norm is 1.5 g, and for athletes - 2 g.
Whey protein is easily and quickly digested andthereby replenishing the daily intake of pure protein in the diet of an athlete. The main confirmation of the effectiveness of the powder "Lactomin 80" - reviews, they will be presented below.
Powder "Lactomin 80" should be taken several times a day, one portion of powder - 25-40 g, or 2-3 tablespoons. It is perfectly soluble in water, milk, or juice.
So, when you should drink this tool to build muscle:
Every review of Lactomin 80 showsIt can be used to reduce weight, lose weight and dry the body. But in this case, the daily rate should be less than twice. Use a powder-based cocktail instead of one or two meals and, accordingly, reduce the daily calorie intake by about 30%.
Protein speeds up the metabolism, which is completelynaturally necessary for weight loss. Also, if you lose weight correctly and play sports, then protein restores muscle mass, thus making the figure more slender and fit.
The best proof of the qualities possessed"Lactomin 80", - reviews. The real reviews of the owners confirm that buying it as a sports nutrition is much more profitable and more expedient, because the cost of the flavored powder is about three times more expensive.
Even professional athletes give morePreference to "Laktomin 80", than to expensive branded means. Because in its action it is not much different from specialized means, and testimonies of this testify. "Lactomin 80" has almost no taste, the only thing that users noted is a light creamy taste. In general, finding a negative review about this tool is extremely difficult, which suggests that concentrated whey protein is an excellent alternative to sports nutrition.
Сделать один общий вывод помогают отзывы."Lactomin 80" is a relatively cheap way to build muscle and reduce weight. It not only has an effective effect on the body and saves the budget. In its composition there is no chemistry, which is not the case with specialized mixtures.
The only thing not to be noted is the onethe fact that it is often forged and sold to the final consumer goods of inadequate quality. When buying should pay attention to the price, one kilogram can not cost less than 1000 rubles. And those who use the mixture regularly recommend buying powder in bags: it’s profitable for money, and there is an original sticker from the manufacturer on the package.