Digestion in the stomach is a process, as a resultwhose food we absorb, changes its form to something that our body can absorb. After certain physical phenomena and processes, as well as chemical reactions promoted by digestive juices, nutrients change so that the body can freely absorb them and then use it for metabolism. Digestion of food can occur while it moves along the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Various nutrients
The main components of the right and healthyScientists consider only three main classes of chemical compounds: proteins, carbohydrates (also sugar) and fats, namely lipids. Let us consider them in more detail.
These substances are present in the form of starch inplant food. Digestion in the stomach and intestines contributes to the process of converting carbohydrates into glucose, and it, in turn, is stored in the form of glycogen, that is, a polymer, and is then used by the body. A single molecule of starch is considered a very large polymer, which is formed from a variety of glucose molecules. It should be noted that starch in raw form is formed in granules. They must be destroyed in order to allow this substance to turn into glucose. It is the preparation of food and contributes to the destruction of the granules contained in it starch.
It is also necessary to know that part of the foodproducts contains carbohydrates in a special form of disaccharides. These are simple sugars, lactose, as well as sucrose, cane sugar. Digestion in the stomach turns these substances into even simpler compounds - monosaccharides, which do not need digestion particularly.
They are represented by various polymers thatare formed from twenty different kinds of amino acids. After digesting proteins, free amino acids are formed as final products. Intermediate products of digestion of protein foods are polypeptides, peptones and dipeptides.
These are fairly simple compounds that, as a result of digestion and digestion processes, are converted into fatty acids and glycerol.
Physical Processes
Where is the stomach, we all know, but whatphysical processes take place in our body - not always. The basis of digestion is the grinding of food, which occurs when it is chewed and with rhythmic contractions of the intestine and stomach. Such effects help the food to grind and carefully mix all of its particles with digestive juices that are released in the intestines, in the stomach and in the mouth. Moreover, the reduction of the walls of the digestive tract ensures the constant progress of food through its departments. All these movements are constantly regulated and controlled by the nervous system.
Chemical reactions
Digestion in the stomach can not be imagined withoutchemical reactions within our body. Their basis is the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, namely - hydrolysis, which is carried out by a certain set of enzymes. Nutrients are split during hydrolysis into small particles that are absorbed in the body. This process is carried out quite quickly because of the effects of enzymes that are contained in the stomach, as well as other digestive juices.
Digestion is a complex processprocessing food under the influence of physical processes and chemical reactions within our body, which is associated with the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into simpler substances. It is the compounds obtained as a result of the digestion of food that are absorbed by our body.