Chrysanthemum - a beautiful flower that you canbuy in a specialized store blooming at any time of the year. Particularly chic look compositions of chrysanthemums of different colors and shades, collected together. The petals of chrysanthemums are like ordinary textures, and terry, and the palette of flowers really amazes imagination: pink, red, purple, yellow or white. It is noteworthy that the inflorescences of chrysanthemums can be very different, but never before there were no blue chrysanthemums.
Have you noticed before that today manylovers of these flowers switched to indoor chrysanthemums? Care, of course, they need regular, but do not constantly need to choose your favorite flowers in the shops, then, after a few days, take out the withered plants for garbage?
In the room colors there are many advantages overwith self-cutting. Self-planting, nursing, feeding and daily admiration of their plants - what can be more pleasant for a person who needs a bit of freshness, sun and heat in the world of technology and technology?
Chrysanthemum at home is a plant that reachesheight of 20-30 centimeters. Experienced gardeners know that for the abundant bushyness of these flowers, it is necessary to prune the shoots on time and pinch them. To multiply the chrysanthemum, you need to plant several cuttings in one pot. The result of your work will not keep you waiting!
To grow beautiful indoor chrysanthemums, carefor them must be permanent and correct. In order not to make simple mistakes, it is sometimes better to get acquainted with some peculiarities of chrysanthemums (they are not so whimsical as they seem at first glance).
For comfortable growth and flowering chrysanthemumsneed an average temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. If you raise the temperature, then the flowering of chrysanthemums will not be so abundant and varied. Quite tall flowers from nature, they will not grow even to the middle of the generally accepted length.
Who else in the proper measure loves light, how nothouseplants? Chrysanthemum is a light-loving creation of nature, which constantly needs rays of natural light. Be careful only in the hottest hours, when direct rays can simply burn chrysanthemum.
To make this gorgeous flower feel freshand comfortable, do not forget about abundant watering, but make sure that the soil does not become too wet - this will adversely affect the plant itself and its flowers.
Probably, most of the colors known to uslike periodic spraying with water - it helps maintain the humidity in the norm, and also contributes to the pleasant color of chrysanthemums and their aroma.
Of course, it is best to grow chrysanthemums in the garden, but if there is no necessary site, then flowers can be easily grown on the windowsill.
Transplant chrysanthemums are necessary depending on theirage: if they are young and still full of strength and freshness, then the transplant should be done every year; if the flowers are already slightly outdated and lost their primary youth, transplant them no more often than two or three years.
Do not forget about your loved ones, who, too, likeand you like to keep beautiful house chrysanthemums in the house. Care of them is always a pleasure. Propagate your chrysanthemums with the help of propagation or division of the bush.
Chrysanthemums, like many other flowers, are prone tovarious diseases. The most famous are: powdery mildew (greyish-white coating), gray rot (fluffy white coating), septoriosis (fungal disease) or aphids. Many of the diseases to which the chrysanthemum is exposed are the result of too dry air or too moist soil. One way out: you must always and in every respect observe the measure, and then room chrysanthemums, care for them and cares will be an unusual joy for every member of the family!