/ / Natural biostimulator "Pantokrin": instructions for use

Natural biostimulator "Pantokrin": instructions for use

pantocrine instructions for use
Tool "Pantocrinum" instructions for useIt defines as a biostimulator of natural origin, which has a pronounced tonic effect and is actively prescribed for asthenic conditions. Due to the properties of the active components, this drug has a characteristic neurotonizing effect, normalizes the mineral metabolism occurring in the body, increases the tone of skeletal muscles, and also stimulates the flow of so-called enzymatic reactions. In addition, this biostimulator has a positive effect on neurological status and normalizes pressure (in the case of arterial hypotension). An increase in the nonspecific resistance of the human body is also provided by the drug Pantocrinum. Among other things, it contributes to a significant increase in motor activity and efficiency of the intestine, improves the activity of organs related to the gastrointestinal tract.

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Features of composition and form of release

The pantocrin biostimulator is produced (instructionfor use there is in each package) in the form of tablets of two hundred milligrams, a light yellow solution for injection and in the form of a transparent yellow extract intended for oral administration. As an active ingredient in the composition of all the listed medicines includes extract, obtained from antlers deer. At the same time, the manufacturer emphasizes that the trace elements contained in this preparation, according to the quality characteristics, are almost completely identical to the characteristics of the trace elements of the human body. So, for example, phospholipids, which are present in the composition of this biostimulant, have a positive effect on biomembranes and improve transmembrane ion exchange. Recovery of carbohydrate metabolism provide amino acids, also contained in the drug "Pantocrin". The price (pills, extract and injection solution can be purchased at almost every pharmacy) for this tool is on average about sixty-five rubles.

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Biostimulator use area

Use this biostimulator specialistsIt is recommended mainly for people suffering from asthenic conditions and neuroses of various origins. In the case of increased drowsiness, mental and physical fatigue, Pantokrin is also quite often prescribed. Instructions for use advises to use it as part of the complex treatment of hypotonic disease. It is also actively taking this medicine to increase muscle tone with dystrophic changes occurring in the heart muscle, myasthenia, and impotence. Among other things, the reception of this biostimulator is very effective in the recovery period after surgery, myocardial infarction, shock and chemotherapy.

List of main contraindications

Use the medicine "Pantocrinum" instructions forthe application is strictly not recommended in the case of a patient with angina, hypercoagulation or severe atherosclerosis. In addition, it should not be taken in case of arterial hypertension, nephritis, heart failure and malignant neoplasms. With great care, this biostimulator is prescribed to patients younger than ten years old.

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