Inflammation of the ligament of the knee joint - enougha common disease resulting from abrupt movements, a long, monotonous work of the muscles, as well as stretching, injuries, bruises, dislocations, and strokes.
Most often this disease occurs insports, namely in the types associated with regular bouncing, landing, acceleration and braking. The most traumatic for joints are sharp movements in unusual directions or with a large amplitude, which is inherent in football players, jumpers, skiers, boxers, volleyball players.
Inflammation of the ligament of the knee joint can alsoobserved in the elderly and part of the natural process - aging. Over the years, the body wears out significantly, resistance to diseases is reduced, degenerative changes in the joints are accumulated, including swelling, restriction of mobility, the appearance of pain, the appearance of clicks and crunching during movement. More active manifestations of diseases that cause a violation of the functionality of the muscular ligaments:
In the knee joint there are 4 main ligaments (2internal and 2 external), taking part in the mechanism of elongation of the knee, its lateral and rotational stability, extension and bending. Inflammation can occur both in these dense formations of connective tissue, and in a patellar ligament located from the knee cap to the tibia.
Determine the inflammation of the ligament of the knee can be for the following symptoms:
Often, inflammation of the ligament of the knee joint,the symptoms of which directly indicate a danger to health, is not taken seriously by a person. To ease the pain in the course are ointments of the appropriate purpose, using various folk methods. The result of taking such measures, perhaps, will show the result, but at the same time, the positive effect will be of a short-term nature. Therefore, if you find the above symptoms, as well as with the injuries and bruises that can lead to inflammation of the ligament, you should immediately go to a doctor who can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Диагностика состоит из нескольких этапов, первым of which is a medical examination. This process is not particularly difficult due to the superficial location of the knee ligaments. The doctor carefully probes the area of attachment of the ligament to the patella, presses it on to determine the location of the inflammatory focus, and asks to unbend the knee joint with resistance. In most cases, this action is accompanied by painful sensations.
Radiograph taken in a straight and lateral directionprojection, helps to clarify the diagnosis. If certain pathologies are found (ossification within the ligament or fatigue fractures - microcracks in the bone, resulting from osteoporosis and repeated overloads), an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examination is performed, which allows a detailed examination of soft tissues: tendons, menisci, muscles, ligaments.
Because of the close arrangement of the ligamentpatella there is the possibility of performing ultrasound, which allows to reveal degenerative changes in connective tissue, its thickening and ruptures. In the recovery phase, ultrasound fixes the increase in blood circulation.
Treatment of ligaments has an integrated approach and consists of carrying out such activities as:
Therapy will be positive forcreating complete rest for the diseased part of the body by fixing it (with a tire, bandage, tight bandage) and eliminating any stress on the area of inflammation. The best treatment for quality treatment is complete rest.
With the ineffectiveness of conservative methodsinflammation of the ligament is treated surgically. An arthroscope is inserted through a puncture or incision, with the help of which the necessary manipulations are carried out: removal of altered tissues, application of incisions on the ligaments.
Ligament inflammation of the knee joint, the treatment of which is effective only with a comprehensive approach, can be removed by physical exercise:
The duration of classes can be fromseveral weeks to several months. As soon as the pain disappears in the gymnastics process, one more exercise should be added: squats on an incline.
Knee ligament inflammation, treatmentwhich lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, can be removed using traditional medicine methods. Consultation with the doctor is surely required, after all many national techniques are only an additional component of complex therapy.
The most effective way to treat at homeconditions is an ice massage, for the application of which several plastic cups should be filled with water and placed in a freezer. Massaging a sore spot requires three times a day with the top of the ice for 15–20 minutes.
Beneficial effect on diseased ligaments and the bodyin general, will have turmeric consumed daily at half a gram. Curcumin, which is part of it, is characterized by anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Pain and swelling for several days will relieve“Home plaster” made from beaten chicken protein and a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, add a tablespoon of flour. The finished product is applied to the elastic bandage, which impose on the inflamed area, loosely tie up the sore spot and let it harden. The dressing should be changed every day, until recovery.
Inflammation of the knee ligaments, symptoms,treatment of which is of great concern to patients, can be removed by applying salt dressings. In a glass of warm water is required to dissolve a spoonful of salt.
Воспаление связок коленного сустава, причины which can be determined by various diagnostic methods is a rather dangerous phenomenon. The mechanical strength of the connective tissue decreases, and this can lead to its partial or complete rupture. It is therefore very important to take seriously the treatment of such a disease and not bring it to the operable condition. With the right approach to therapy, in most cases, inflammation of the ligaments is curable.