/ / The medicine "Zhanin". Reviews of doctors. annotation

The medicine "Zhanin". Reviews of doctors. annotation

Contraceptive pills "Jeanine" refer tolow-dose monophasic oral estrogen-progestational drugs of combined type. The mechanism of drug activity is based on the ability of the acting components to suppress ovulation and change the viscosity in the cervical mucus. This prevents penetration of spermatozoa. On the basis of the reception of "Zhanin" (doctors' reviews confirm this), the menstrual cycle stabilizes in women, the duration and intensity of bleeding decreases. This, in turn, prevents the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. In practice, there was a decrease in the likelihood of cancer in the ovaries and endometrium.

janin description

Means of "Zhanin". Description

The first active ingredient is dienogest.After penetration into the body, its rapid absorption from the digestive tract is noted. After two and a half hours, the maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is observed. Bioavailability reaches about 96%. The component is almost completely metabolized. In an unmodified form, an insignificant part of the substance is excreted, the products of decay are excreted by bile and urine. Ethinyl estradiol - the second active component of the drug - is absorbed after intake quickly and almost completely. The maximum concentration reaches 1.5-4 hours. The substance is disintegrated in the form of decay products with bile and urine.

Dosing regimen
contraceptive zhanein

Medicine "Zhanin" (reviews of doctors make the accenton the correct reception mode) must be taken in accordance with the scheme indicated on the package. It is advisable to drink tablets at one time, drink plenty of water. The drug is taken 1 tablet a day. The duration of the course is twenty-one days. The drug "Jeanine" (the doctors' reviews indicate this) should be taken continuously for three weeks. In case of skipping, take the tablet as soon as possible. If too much time has passed, the next dose is taken as usual without doubling it. However, the contraceptive effect can be reduced. From the next package they start taking pills after a week break. During these seven days, menstrual bleeding occurs. As a rule, it is marked on the second-third day after the completion of the previous packaging. Bleeding can continue throughout the break.

zharin reviews of doctors

Adverse Reactions

On the basis of the reception of the drug "Jeanine" (reviews of doctorssuggest this) probably the development of irregular bleeding, especially in the first months of therapy. In some patients, the drug provoked a change in body weight, increased sweating. Rarely there was a headache, dizziness. The agent can provoke a change in mood, tides, discomfort in the epigastrium.


The agent is not prescribed for pregnancy, inchildhood, during lactation. In the case of pregnancy during the drug, therapy is discontinued. You should contact a specialist immediately. Before using the medication you need to visit a doctor.

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