/ / What if it hurts to step on the heel?

What if it hurts to step on the heel?

Боль, возникающая в ногах при ходьбе или даже в state of rest, leads to the appearance of lameness, and sometimes to the total inability to move normally. It must be said that a huge number of people suffer from pain in the legs and, in particular, from the pain sensations in the heel area. Especially often those who have already crossed the threshold of the fortieth year are suffering. What are the reasons that it becomes painful to step on the heel?

It must be said that the factors leading to the fact,that a person is deprived of the opportunity to move normally because of pain in the calcaneal region, quite a lot. One of them can be even incorrectly picked up shoes. Low-quality shoes with an inconvenient shoe may well cause a person to hurt to tread on the heel. In this case, it is enough just to reconsider your attitude to the selection of shoes and choose models that do not deform the foot. To think it is necessary and to lovers of high heels, as the constant wearing of such shoes adversely affects the health of the feet.

However, most often the cause of what is becomingit is painful to step on the heel, is a disease. It can be manifestations of arthritis or bursitis - an inflammatory process, in which the tissue connecting the heel bone with the fingers is involved. Very often the cause of pain in the heel area is plantar fasciitis. This disease is characterized by the formation of a seal in the connective tissue located on the sole. At the same time in places of inflammation salt is often deposited, which provokes the development of the calcaneal spur. This heel on the calcaneus can inflict considerable suffering and is, perhaps, one of the most common causes, because of which it is painful for people to step on their heels.

Способствовать возникновению боли может и inflammatory process that occurs in the Achilles tendon. In this case, painful sensations, as a rule, disturb in the area above the heel or from the sole.

A common cause of pain appearsreactive arthritis, which is of infectious origin. This disease can be provoked by the presence in the body of a venereal infection, for example, chlamydia. In this case, the patient experiences constant pain in the heels, which is amplified at night.

To become the reason of painful sensations in heels can also the conditions connected with infringement of a metabolism. An example of such a disease can serve as gout or Bekhterev's disease.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the occurrence of pain, it is up to the doctor after the examination to determine what exactly causes discomfort in a particular case.

Но при любом диагнозе важно соблюдать общие recommendations. For example, as already mentioned, you need to choose comfortable shoes, you may need the use of orthopedic insoles. It is necessary to exclude heavy loads on the legs. For example, if you are a jogger, then this kind of physical activity should be replaced by a more gentle, for example, swimming.

To pick up medicamentous treatment of diseaseonly the doctor will be able to do it, because to find the effect it is important to find the cause of the pain. Most often, drugs are selected to remove the pain syndrome. Perhaps, a course of physiotherapy, which can be very lengthy, will be prescribed.

But if the pain manifested suddenly, for example, at night, you can not run to the doctor. In this case, emergency measures will help. So, if the heel hurts, what to do in case of emergency?

You can remove the attack of pain with a piece of ice,which is applied to the sore spot for about twenty minutes. Not bad, if in your medicine cabinet will be lying such a drug as "Fastum-gel", they can rub the diseased area. You can remove an acute attack of pain with any pain medication.

Что же касается применения средств народной medicine, effective treatment of heels can be carried out using alcoholic tincture of the swamp saber. This drug is used in the form of compresses on the heels, as well as for ingestion, spreading a spoon of tincture in half a glass of water. Take the drug inside three times a day, the course of treatment - three weeks.

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