/ Why is the back of the hand covered with spots?

Why is the back of the hand covered with spots?

Covered with spots, the back of the palm canstrongly disturb representatives of any gender. After all, this phenomenon not only looks unaesthetic, but also quite likely represents a danger to other parts of the body, since rashes can soon form on the face, neck, legs, etc. Therefore, if the back of the palm is suddenly covered with spots , blisters, etc., should immediately seek help from a dermatologist.

Possible causes of rashes on the hands

the back of the hand

1.If the spots on the back of the palm arose in the fair sex, then you should think about the hormonal state of a woman. Even a slight imbalance can lead to the appearance of a rash on the hands, as well as in other parts of the body. As a rule, the general condition and well-being of a person practically never change for the worse. The only sign that can give a hormonal disorder, this is a bad mood. Often it worsens much after a woman discovers that her back of the palm is completely covered with a rash, small blisters, etc. It is worth noting that such imbalances are often associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding or childbirth. By the way, some representatives of the fair sex stains on the hands can pass immediately after the birth of the baby, while others, on the contrary, appear.

stains on the back of the palm
2.The back of the palm can become covered with a rash and spots due to emotional overstrain. This phenomenon again is more typical of women than men. Often this occurs during the postpartum period or during premenstrual syndrome. In such situations, the representatives of the weaker sex annoy everything, and the main reaction is discontent, crying, hysterics and screaming. As a result of regular stress, stains on the arms, legs and other parts of the body may appear.

3.The reddened back side of the palm, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is often associated with malnutrition or bad habits. At the same time, you can get rid of such a problem only by refraining from smoking, alcoholic beverages, as well as from too fatty, sweet, spicy and fried foods. As a rule, many of those who got on a diet and got rid of bad habits, after a short period of time, necessarily mark an improved skin condition on their hands.

4. Dermatitis.Such a phenomenon as spots and rashes on the back of the palms can be formed as a result of exposure to some allergen. It can be a contact with household chemicals, and hygiene products (creams, lotions, soaps, gels, etc.), and spring flowering, etc. As is known, the allergic reaction to the stimulus is accompanied not only by stains on the hands, but also by such symptoms like regular sneezing, lacrimation, attacks of suffocation, etc.

back of the palm photo

5.Redness of the back of the palms can arise due to banal airing or slight frostbite. Often this occurs in children after walking in the frost without mittens. In this case, you can get rid of "pimples" yourself, without contacting a doctor.

6. If a person notices that his hands (or rather the back sides of his hands) are covered with dark brown spots, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • genetic (most often found in descendants of dark-skinned people);
  • due to a long stay in the hot sun (pigmentation);
  • Addison's disease associated with impaired adrenal gland function;
  • cancer of the intestine or stomach (spots on the back of the palms of cancer patients develop much faster than other people);
  • taking certain medications (oral contraceptives, hormones, insulin, etc.);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • overweight;
  • the initial stage of diabetes.

7. Also, rashes and stains on the hands may appear due to fungal infections, scabies, stripping, etc.

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