/ / Tuberal anesthesia in dentistry: technique, preparations

Tuberal anesthesia in dentistry: technique, preparations

Tuberal anesthesia is the most dangerousin terms of complications, injection technique. At the moment, this procedure is used infrequently. It is carried out by extraoral and intraoral administration of drugs. Anesthesia is used to anesthetize the area of ​​the upper molars, in particular for blocking the alveolar nerves.

Features of the procedure

The complex anatomical characteristics of the drug administration zone increase the risk of complications and reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia. Consider some points.

В височно-крыловидном пространстве над верхней jaw is venous plexus. It occupies the area from the infraorbital fissure to the lower jaw. Accidental puncture of the venous wall causes the formation of an extensive hematoma, which is difficult to prevent.

tubular anesthesia

Inserting a needle to an insufficient level leads tothe fact that the injection of the solution is carried out in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In this case, tubular anesthesia will not be effective at all. Exceeding the depth of the needle leads to the following consequences:

  1. The introduction of anesthetic in the area of ​​the optic nerve causes temporary blindness.
  2. Injection of the drug into the fiber of the orbit causes temporary strabismus.
  3. The penetration of the solution into the pterygoid muscle causes a strong pain syndrome after the anesthetic effect is completed.

The tip should not be allowed to slide along the tubercle during the procedure, as it is possible to punch nerves and small vessels.

Pain relief area

Tuberal anesthesia in dentistry allows you to numb the following areas:

  • upper molars;
  • the periosteum and the mucous membrane of the alveolar process covering it;
  • mucous and bone of the maxillary sinus on the posterior wall.

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Boundary area of ​​anesthesia passingrear is constant. In front, it can reach the middle of the first small molar and, accordingly, the mucous membrane located in this area along the gum.

Intra-oral tubular anesthesia according to Egorov

The progress of the procedure:

  1. The patient's mouth is in a half-open state. Cheek sticks with a spatula.
  2. Having directed the needle section towards the bone tissue, the doctor makes a puncture at the level of the second molar to the bone.
  3. The needle must be angled at 45about to the alveolar process.
  4. The needle moves up, back and to the middle, while it is necessary to control its constant contact with the bone. In the course produced a small amount of anesthetic.
  5. A 2-2.5 cm needle is inserted. The piston is pulled back to check for the absence of a vessel puncture.
  6. If no blood is present, up to 2 ml of solution is injected. The syringe is removed.
  7. The patient presses the anesthesia site to avoid the appearance of a hematoma.
  8. The full effect of the drug is manifested for 10 minutes.

Egorov tubular anesthesia

Если использовать анестетик короткого действия, The procedure will be effective for 45 minutes, if long - up to 2.5 hours. Intra-oral tubular anesthesia is performed for outpatient operations and with simultaneous intervention on several molars.

Extraoral method of conducting

No matter which side is neededtubular anesthesia, the technique requires a deviation of the patient's head in the opposite direction. Before the anesthesia itself, the doctor determines the depth to which the needle will need to be inserted. This is the distance between the lower outer angle of the orbit and the anterior lower angle of the zygomatic bone.

The dentist is located to the right of the patient. The needle is inserted in the area of ​​the anterior low angle of the zygomatic bone. It should have an angle of 45about in relation to the median sagittal plane and the right angle to the trago-orbital line. After inserting the needle, an anesthetic is injected to the desired depth. Anesthesia develops over 5 minutes.

tubular anesthesia in dentistry


Tuberal anesthesia is performed using local anesthetics:

  1. Лидокаин - является первым производным амидов, на the basis of which were synthesized "Bupivacaine", "Artikain", "Mezokain" and other means. It is applied in the form of a 1-2% solution. Lidocaine belongs to the drugs of low price category. Contraindicated in patients with organic liver damage.
  2. Trimecain is an amide derivative.By its effectiveness, speed and duration of action exceeds Novocain several times. Available in the form of solutions of different concentrations. As a side effect of the introduction of funds may occur pale skin, nausea, headache.
  3. Препарат "Ультракаин", цена которого в 1.5-2 times higher than that of other representatives of local anesthetics (50 rubles per vial), has a greater advantage in use. High diffusion ability and good duration of action allow using it not only in surgical, but also in prosthetic dentistry. How much does Ultracain cost? The price of the drug (for anesthesia with this tool in dental clinics in Russia will have to pay from 250 to 300 rubles) is due to its foreign origin. Analogs - "Artikain", "Alfacain", "Ubuystezin".

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All funds are used in conjunction withvasoconstrictor (adrenaline). When choosing a drug, a specialist determines individual tolerance and maximum dose, takes into account the patient's age, as well as the presence of pregnancy and comorbidities.

Complications of the procedure

Tuberal anesthesia, reviews of whichambiguous (patients note an excellent analgesic effect, but some complain that numbness lasts a long time, up to 5 hours, plus the side effects already mentioned above are not like many) should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist who can take into account all the necessary nuances of the event . Some of the possible complications have already been considered. Time should be devoted to the issue of their prevention.

Vascular injury and hematoma formation in the areapain relief can be prevented. For this purpose, during anesthesia, the needle contact with the bone tissue should not be lost and should not be injected by more than 2.5 cm. After the needle is removed, the infiltrate formed by the injected anesthetic is massaged upwards beyond the maxillary tubercle. Tuberal anesthesia is allowed only in the absence of inflammatory processes at the injection site.

Getting hit is dangerous for the patient.solution into the bloodstream. Its toxicity increases 10 times, and the effect of the vasoconstrictor is 40. The patient may experience shock, collapse, syncope. To prevent such a complication, before injecting the anesthetic, the syringe plunger is pulled back. This helps to ensure that the needle does not fall into the vessel. If blood appears in the syringe, you need to change the direction of the needle and only then inject the drug.

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Violation of the rules of asepsis during the procedure can lead to infection. Introducing the needle in your mouth, you need to make sure that it does not touch the tooth. The entry of plaque will lead to the development of phlegmon.


Due to the large number of complications and the complexity of the technique of conducting tuberous anesthesia is practiced quite rarely. The choice of anesthesia should be entrusted to a specialist.

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