In modern medicine, there are many waysanesthesia. One of them is conductive anesthesia. The method consists in blocking the neural transmission at the place of the human body where surgical intervention will be performed. The place of operation is completely anesthetized and immobilized.
Во время проведения этой процедуры пациенты могут feel differently. When a puncture with a needle is made, the person most often feels minor pain or slight discomfort. In the area where the anesthetic is injected, at the time of its administration, it is sometimes felt that it is bursting, heaviness, and fever. If everything happens correctly, then the discomfort disappears after a few seconds.
During surgery, the patientis in a clear consciousness, hears and sees everything, but at the same time he does not feel pain at all. In the event that the patient wants to sleep or is very anxious, conductive anesthesia is combined with sedation.
Conducting anesthesia blocks the nerve or kissa group of nerves through which a pain impulse is transmitted from the place where the operation is performed to the brain. The brain processes this impulse and returns to us in the form of a painful sensation. Anesthesia occurs at the site where the nerve blockage occurred.
Peripheral anesthesia is done as follows:In the place where there is a nerve that will block, inject a solution of local anesthetic. One or more injections can be made. To the drug acted, it should be injected very close to the nerve, just a few tenths of a millimeter away from it. If you inject the anesthetic a little further, then anesthesia will not work, and during the operation, the person will be hurt. In this case, another kind of anesthesia is used. When an anesthetic drug enters the nerve, it can lead to complications such as neuropathy.
Application of PA on all parts of the body, to a largeUnfortunately, it is impossible. This is due to the anatomical features of the human body. But nevertheless the list of operations at which use a nervous blockade, not such and small:
This is not a complete list of cases in which the operation is performed using this type of anesthesia.
Самыми серьезными осложнениями при проведении This kind of anesthesia is considered an adverse reaction to an anesthetic or the development of neuropathy. In this case, the person begins an allergic reaction. Basically, this problem happens because of the doctors, when they inject the solution into the blood vessel.
Symptoms of the reaction:
An allergic reaction is very rare, not more than one case per 50,000 anesthesia.
Neuropathy occurs when a nerve is damaged orthere is a violation of its activities. With such a violation, after the conduction anesthesia, pain, numbness, such a feeling is felt, as if goose bumps crawl under the skin. But the PA should not be afraid. After all, complications occur only in 1% of cases, and the efficiency of the damaged nerve is restored within a few months, in rare cases - up to a year. In addition, new technologies that have appeared recently allow the appearance of such complications to be minimized.
Since complications in this case are notOften, conduction anesthesia in dentistry ranks first. A strong PA can anesthetize the area of operation for a long time (6-8 hours), and less severe anesthesia is used for surgical interventions.
Для нижней и верхней челюстей используют certain types of anesthesia. For example, in order to numb the lower jaw, the intraoral and apodactyl method is used. In the first case, the doctor gropes for a puncture site, in the second - anesthesia is administered near the molar tooth.
If you need to de-sensitize the topjaw, in this case, do infraorbital anesthesia, in which the anesthetic is injected under the eyeball, or tuberous (the solution is injected into the hill of the upper jaw). This technique of conduction anesthesia is considered the most correct. Every experienced doctor knows this and he must do everything that way.
Conductive anesthesia in dentistry practicewhen it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive surgical intervention. Quite often, this anesthesia is performed when the gum is cut during the extraction of a tooth. The cheek in this case completely loses sensitivity.
This method of anesthesia allows you to block the nerve trunk completely, which leads to persistent anesthesia for any manipulations in dentistry.
Anesthesia in dentistry with conduction anesthesia for surgical procedures is performed in the following cases:
To protect the patient from complications andto ensure effective treatment, before choosing a method of pain relief, the doctor must be sure that the person has no contraindications to him. They may be as follows:
There are also contraindications to suchsort of analgesia, which are relative. With such indications there is no categorical prohibition, but the specialist must eliminate them, if possible, or take into account that complications may arise. As a rule, such contraindications are quite rare:
There are two types of suchanesthesia: central and peripheral. In the first case, nerve anesthesia occurs on the lower or upper jaw. In the second case, anesthesia is also divided into several subspecies, it all depends on where the drug is injected. Peripheral anesthesia can be mental, infraorbital, incisal, etc. Conductive anesthesia of the extremities is known as regional. As a rule, it is done when a person needs to perform a simple operation on a certain part of the body.
Conductive anesthesia in the lower jaw is donemandibular way. In order to introduce a local anesthetic, the patient must open his mouth wide. The doctor makes a puncture in the place where the border of the lower and middle pterygo-maxillary folds. The syringe should be parallel to the opposite premolars. Then the needle is inserted into the gum tissue, the doctor brings it to the bone itself and begins the process of administering the drug, however, not all of it is injected, but only 50%; After the procedure, the lingual and alveolar nerve is blocked. Fangs, molars, premolars and the mucous membrane that surrounds them are also anesthetized. In addition, numbness of some areas of the tongue and lower lip occurs.
In the case of torusal anesthesia on the cheek side, additional anesthesia is performed.
With mental anesthesia, the drug mayenter in two ways: extraoral and intraoral. In this case, numbness of the lower part of the maxillary arch occurs, while the canines, lower incisors, alveolar bone, chin, and lower lip are anesthetized.
Conductive anesthesia of the upper jaw is done in several ways.
The use of the infraorbital method allows“Freeze” the frontal zone. In addition to the teeth, the lower eyelid, the skin on the infraorbital region, the walls of the maxillary bone are anesthetized. The effect of anesthesia is felt on one side of the nose.
When the incisal method is observed blockade of the nasal nerve. Through this procedure, there is a "freezing" of the sky, canines and teeth, which are located between them.
Tuberal way helps not to feel pain in the mucous membranes, maxillary sinuses, molars located on the upper jaw.
In the case of palatine anesthesia, from the side where the drug was injected, numbness of the area from the canine to the extreme molar occurs.
Like other types of anesthesia, conduction anesthesia has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are the advantages:
The disadvantages or disadvantages of this kind of anesthesia include the following:
These shortcomings are considered relative, it all depends on how experienced the doctor is.
Conductive anesthesia in dentistry is carried out,using the preparations placed in special ampoules (capsules). This method helps to properly dispense the drug, eliminating the excess of the injected volume, antiseptic is observed.
Due to the fact that the cartridge is equipped with a very thinneedle, the patient does not feel severe pain when they make a puncture. You can also numb the procedure using a special gel or spray.
In some clinics there are devices thathelp determine the location of the nerve. Thanks to them, the doctor controls the introduction of the needle, which eliminates nerve injury and the occurrence of complications after PA. Ultrasonic testing can also be used.
Dental problems in pregnant women is a phenomenonquite frequent. A fetus that develops needs a large amount of calcium, which it takes from the mother's body. In this case, the teeth may suffer pregnant. Therefore, future mothers are frequent visitors to dental offices. Conductive anesthesia for women in a position is done only when complex manipulation is necessary, for example, in case of multiple lesions of the teeth, with severe caries, or when it is necessary to remove a bad tooth.
Usually, as an anesthetic drug.apply lidocaine. This is due to the fact that this drug is considered an effective anesthetic, it is quickly removed from the human body, not harmful to either the mother or her unborn baby. Such a drug as "Ketamine" can not be used in early pregnancy, because it increases the tone of the uterus, can cause miscarriage. If the future mother is suffering severe pain, then in this case, you can use "Promedol". This medication relieves pain and is not as dangerous as Ketamine.
Conductive anesthesia in pediatric dentistryif the child is less than three years old, it is used very rarely. Dental treatment in young children is different from how it occurs in adults. This is because the structure of the jaws in children is not the same as in adults.