/ / Dyscirculatory encephalopathy: what is it? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Discirculatory encephalopathy: what is it? Causes and symptoms of the disease

It's no secret that even the slightestthe circulatory disturbance in the brain affects the work of the whole organism. That is why many people are interested in questions about why dyscirculatory encephalopathy occurs, what it is and what symptoms are accompanied. After a malfunction in the functioning of the nervous system can be extremely dangerous.

Discirculatory encephalopathy: what is it?

discirculatory encephalopathy what it is

This form of the disease is accompanied bylesions of the nervous system that arise against the backdrop of chronic circulatory failure. As is known, along with blood, nerve tissues receive oxygen and nutrients. Any violation of the blood supply leads to a disruption in the supply of neurons, which, of course, affects not only the work of the nervous system, but also the state of the whole organism. There is both acute and chronic dyscirculatory encephalopathy. And regardless of origin and severity, the disease needs appropriate treatment.

The main causes of dyscirculatory encephalopathy

In fact, the causes of circulatory disorders inthe brain may be different. Most often, vascular insufficiency is caused by atherosclerosis, which is accompanied by a decrease in the lumen of the vessel. The most common reasons include hypertension. But there are other, less common risk factors, under the influence of which the disease develops.

Discirculatory encephalopathy can bethe result of any heart disease accompanied by chronic circulatory failure. The causes also include anomalies in the structure of the vessels, vasculitis, certain blood diseases, compression of arteries and veins, cerebral amyloidosis and diabetes mellitus.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy and its developmental stages

Most often such a disease developsslowly, gradually. In the first stage, some obvious symptoms may be absent, patients only occasionally complain of headaches, fatigue and decreased concentration. The second stage is accompanied by deeper lesions in the nervous system, which, of course, affects the clinical picture, patients have memory problems, changes in character and behavior. The third degree of encephalopathy is the most severe and, in the absence of treatment, often results in paralysis and even death of a person.

The main symptoms of encephalopathy

chronic dyscirculatory encephalopathy

As already mentioned, the clinical picture in thiscase depends on the degree of brain damage. In fact, there are many different symptoms that cause discirculatory encephalopathy. What is it, and what are the characteristic signs worth paying attention to?

In the first stages of chronic encephalopathythere are disturbances in sleep, drowsiness, increased irritability and constant fatigue. In the future, there are problems with memory, changes in gait, tremor in the fingers. As the disease progresses, the patient gradually loses the capacity for coherent thinking, has difficulty communicating, reading and remembering information.

Often against the background of encephalopathy there are neuroses.For example, some patients suffer from hypochondria. Along with this, the confidence of the person in himself decreases. As the nervous tissues are destroyed, the patient loses the ability to solve everyday problems.

dyscirculatory encephalopathy

The third stage of the disease is the mostdangerous, since lesions cover important parts of the brain, coordination of movements is disturbed, which often results in partial or complete paralysis.

How is encephalopathy treated?

Of course, in no case is it worth doingself-treatment, only a specialist knows why discirculatory encephalopathy has arisen, what it is, and what kind of therapy will be really effective. The acute form of the disease requires immediate hospitalization, while the initial stages of chronic damage to the nervous system can be cured at home. It is extremely important to determine the causes of vascular insufficiency in the brain and to eliminate them. The patient needs rest, so it is worth limiting the amount of physical and mental stress. For treatment, calcium channel blockers, vitamins, nicotinic acid preparations, nootropics, antihypoxants, in short, agents that stimulate blood flow to the brain are used. In some cases, a psychoneurologist needs treatment.

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