/ / How does an ointment differ from cream and gel: comparative characteristics

What is the difference between cream and gel? Comparative characteristics

Многие лекарственные препараты выпускаются в various forms, funds with the same name come in the form of ointment, cream or gel. All these varieties have their own characteristics and characteristics. Therefore, acquiring any medicine, you need to know how the ointment differs from cream and gel.

how does an ointment differ from a cream

Ointment: form description

Ointment as a medicineused in ancient Egypt, China and Rome. They were made on the basis of lanolin, cow oil, extracts of medicinal plants: almonds, olives, sesame, various flowers and herbs, wax.

Modern ointments have in their compositiondrug and base, which usually act as fats of natural or artificial origin, as well as refined products. Often add auxiliary components that help the ointment to better penetrate into the skin, such as nitroglycerin.

Such a mild form of the drugused for application to a variety of wounds, skin, mucous membranes. To understand how an ointment differs from a cream, it is necessary to consider the features of the latter.

what is the difference between cream and ointment

Characteristic cream

Исторически крем получил свое название из-за the fact that it was based on cream and wax for a long time. The modern soft form also consists of a basic medicinal substance and a base that is light, containing emulsion and water. A distinctive feature of the cream is its ability to exert a strong local effect, but it has practically no systemic effect on the entire body. This is due to the fact that the mild form does not penetrate into the bloodstream.

Considering the topic, how does a cream differ from an ointment,it is necessary to indicate that the former is quickly and completely absorbed into the epidermis, does not leave greasy marks on garments. In addition, such a mild form is called not only drugs, but also cosmetics or confectionery products.

what is the difference between cream gel and ointment

Gel, its features

Еще одной формой мягкого лекарства является гель, the description of which will help to understand the difference between cream, gel and ointment. It is a type of ointment based on water, gelatin, cellulose and other substances with distributed healing components.

Гель характеризуется пластичностью и упругостью, it is created by dissolving solid particles of polymers and a neutralizing agent in water in small quantities. All components are well mixed, thicken and form a viscous soft shape.

In its structure, the gel is close to ointment, howeverdoes not clog pores, does not leave a greasy film, evenly distributes the main substance. The topic of how an ointment differs from cream and gel is very important for understanding the use of the latter. Such a soft dosage form is most effective for muscle and joint pain, osteochondrosis of the spine and neck, for sprains, bruises, salt deposition.

Gels are for external and internal use, ophthalmic, rectal and vaginal, dental.

cream or ointment comparison

What to choose - cream or ointment? Comparison of soft dosage forms

Comparing the cream and ointment, you can not say that onethe shape is better than the other; their differences lie in the basis used, the effect exerted, the penetrating ability. The table below clearly shows how the ointment differs from the cream.

Comparison options



The basis of drugs

The main components are various fats, petrolatum, lanolin, water is absent

Active substances - emulsion and water




Penetrating power

It is poorly absorbed, part of the product remains on the skin surface, therefore it requires a special dressing at the place of use.

It is well absorbed, does not leave greasy marks, it can be fearlessly applied under clothing

The effect

Forms a skin film that provides a greenhouse effect that promotes deep penetration of the drug.

Pleasantly cools the skin due to the presence of water in the composition of the product.

Therapeutic effect

It penetrates deep into the epidermis and bloodstream, therefore it affects the body as a whole.

Delayed only in the upper layers of the skin, almost does not enter the bloodstream, therefore, has a powerful local effect

Use of the term

It is a purely medical term, refers to drugs.

It is used not only in medicine, but also in other spheres: cosmetology and cooking

Из приведенной таблицы хорошо видно, чем cream differs from ointment, so when choosing a dosage form, you need to focus on these features, to understand what effect you need to achieve, which drug will be more convenient to use.

Thus, the appearance on the pharmaceuticalThe market of various forms of the same medicine is explained by the unique therapeutic effect of each, therefore, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to know their characteristics and properties.

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