/ / Ointment for gums. Recommendations for use

Ointment for gums. Recommendations for use

The insidiousness of gum disease lies in theirinvisible to the patient's development. Even inflamed gums do not cause such painful sensations as, for example, sick teeth, although the disease is also quite unpleasant. The gums begin to bleed while brushing teeth, while eating, when they get on inflamed patches of acidic food, they begin to sore, become very sensitive. All the symptoms indicate that it's time to get busy with your gums, as the inflammatory process began.

In any pharmacy a drug is sold -ointment for gums, which is dispensed without a prescription and which can be used if the gums are baked and sore due to scratches. To prevent unpleasant sensations in the future, it is necessary to choose the softest brush for hygienic procedures in combination with a special toothpaste for gums prone to bleeding. It is necessary immediately after rinsing the mouth with a liquid antiseptic to apply ointment for the gums, for example one of these:

  • Metrogil;
  • Upident-Active;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • "Zylaktin".

These drugs successfully cope with the beginning of the inflammatory process of the gums and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

In the case where the gum is aching at rest,during the meal it hurts, you should consult a dentist, who will prescribe an ointment with anesthetic effect. However, it is necessary to eliminate the abuse of prescribed medication, because it removes only pain, not curing, as a rule, the inflammatory process.

Мазь для десен на основе натуральных компонентов - an excellent therapeutic tool that, in addition to relieving the inflammatory process, will help strengthen the gums in order to prevent them from further injury. Especially useful are drugs that contain bee products, such as Appent-Active ointment. Her active ingredients are herbal extracts, bee venom and propolis extract. With regular use, it is possible to significantly improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling of the gums, achieve an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. And, of course, Appent-Aktiv gum ointment, which is sold as a gel, will first of all restore the oral cavity (its mucosa), damaged as a result of mechanical actions (injuries, sores, cuts, scratches).

Apply anti-inflammatory gels and ointments,usually, after rinsing the oral cavity with a solution with an antiseptic effect on the gingival papillae and on the marginal gum (special attention is paid to the front surface of the teeth).

How to choose a gum ointment for children?Due to the fact that gels for gums have a better penetrating ability than ointment, moreover, it is easier to retain on the mucous membrane of the moist membrane of the oral cavity, preference should be given to the gel. Moreover, the effectiveness of dosage forms in the form of gels is much higher. Here are just a few gels suitable for children.

"Cholisal" - children's gel for gums.Excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The use of this drug is justified both for the treatment of gingivitis, and to achieve analgesia during teething (it is rubbed directly into the area of ​​eruption). Gel has no age contraindications. Apply the ointment twice a day (morning and night), applying from the anterior surface of the teeth to the gingival papillae and the marginal part of the gums. After consumption, it is necessary not to eat for two or three hours, you can drink, but not rinse the mouth. The course of treatment usually ranges from seven to ten days.

"Metrogil Dent" - children's ointment for gums, produced in the form of a gel.The method of application of this gel is no different from the previous one, the only difference - the age limit - its use for children is possible from six years.

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