/ / Means for salicylic ointment: instructions for use

Means "Salicylic ointment": instructions for use

The medicine "Salicylic ointment" is a remedy for the treatment of skin ailments.

Therapeutic effect of the medicine "Salicylic ointment"

Instruction for use informs that the medicine refers to anti-inflammatory non-steroidal preparations that are intended for external use.

salicylic ointment
The active ingredient of the medicine is salicylicthe acid has a local irritating, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is known about the keratolytic properties of the ointment, the agent effectively removes the keratinization of the skin.

Indications for the Salicylic Ointment

Instruction for use explains that the medicineuse for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious skin lesions, warts, burns, calluses, excessive sweating. The drug is used for hyperkeratosis, hair loss, ichthyosis, oily seborrhea, eczema, acne, psoriasis.

Means "Salicylic ointment": instructions for use

The medication is applied to the skin once duringtwo or three days. For one centimeter of skin it is recommended to apply 0.2 grams. After treatment it is required to cover the patient areas with a sterile napkin. Before each procedure, the affected areas should be cleaned of dead cells, if necessary, open the blisters, treat with an antiseptic.

salicylic ointment composition
Means "Salicylic ointment", the composition of whichallows you to restore affected areas of the skin, should be used until complete recovery. Corns can be removed after three days after using the medication, previously softening them in warm water. In case the corns are difficult to remove, the application of the ointment can be repeated. Adult patients can use 10 ml of ointment, children no more than 1 ml per day.

Side effects of the "Salicylic Ointment"

Instructions for use indicate that the medicine may cause itching, burning and redness of the skin. The patient may have a fever and a pain in the area of ​​treatment.

Contraindications of the "Salicylic Ointment"

Instruction for use shows thatuse of the drug is prohibited with hypersensitivity and renal failure. Ointment can not be applied to diseased areas of infants. It is inadmissible to use a medicament to excrete warts localized on the genitals and face, covered with birthmarks and hair. It is not recommended to apply the ointment on several sites during the treatment of skin lesions in children.

salicylic ointment where to buy
Pregnant can only handle smallarea of ​​the skin. The active substance is quickly absorbed when it comes to wet, inflamed or reddened areas. During therapy, it is necessary to take into account that salicylic acid increases the absorption of other external agents when used simultaneously. In addition, the active element enhances the negative effects of derivatives of sulfonylurea, methotrexate and hypoglycemic drugs.

Means for salicylic ointment: where to buy

The medicine can be purchased in pharmacies in ready-made form, or on preliminary order, pharmacists can prepare the required amount of the drug.

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