/ Nurofen with breastfeeding. Instructions for use, contraindications

Nurofen with breastfeeding. Instructions for use, contraindications

After giving birth, every woman tries to be rightto establish a lactation. When breastfeeding, the newly mum needs to eat right, get plenty of vitamins and useful elements, and also feel good. However, this is not always the case. Often a representative of the fairer sex faces a disease. Pathology can be manifested by pain, malaise, inflammation, and fever. Often physicians prescribe the drug "Nurofen" for treatment. When breastfeeding it should be used very carefully.

This article will tell you about the opinions of specialistsabout this treatment. Also, you will find out how much Nurofen works and whether the drug can harm the child. Instructions for use will be described below.

nurofen with breastfeeding


Doctors say that the drug "Nurofen" atBreastfeeding can not be categorically taken. Often an incorrectly chosen treatment regimen and soaking up the dosage can lead to side effects. In this case, the development of symptoms of a reaction can be not only in a nursing woman, but also in a child. The main unpleasant consequences of such treatment include:

  • nausea and subsequent vomiting, which in some cases does not bring relief;
  • pain in the peritoneum, accompanied by flatulence and sometimes diarrhea;
  • allergies in the form of urticaria and itching;
  • exacerbation of cough of various etiologies;
  • dizziness or migraine;
  • exacerbation of kidney diseases;
  • anemia, leukopenia and other pathologies of the circulatory system.

Refuse from correction?

If the drug "Nurofen" with breastfeedingappoint a doctor, then do not give up such treatment. It is necessary to remember what the instruction for use says. The annotation states that you can take the drug only if the therapeutic effect will bring more benefit to the nursing mother than harm the baby. Physicians always take this point into account and compare possible risks.

It is worth noting that the refusal to usedrug can lead to complications. Doctors say that the appropriate scheme for using the drug "Nurofen" (dosage) is chosen for treatment. Also, the time of reception is always specified. This approach can be as safe as possible from the harmful effects of your child.

nurofen dosage

In what cases is Nurofen needed for a nursing mother?

The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. That is why he is prescribed for pain of a different nature, for example:

  • during painful menstruation;
  • with pain in the back;
  • during a migraine and a headache of a usual nature;
  • in complex therapy for the treatment of colds;
  • During fever to reduce body temperature;
  • with pain in ligaments and bones.

It is worth noting that if the temperature rise is caused by lactostasis, then the drug does not solve the problem. In this case, the nursing mother needs a slightly different correction.

how to apply the drug nurofen when breastfeeding

Suspension and tablets "Nurofen": application

The manufacturer of this drug releasesa drug in the form of a suspension with two different flavors. You can also buy rectal suppositories. These forms of medication are for use in children. However, they can be used by adults. Also, pharmacists offer the consumer to buy tablets of different types. Some of them have the usual solid structure. Others contain a liquid substance, which begins to act much faster. What is the dosage prescribed for Nurofen?

The instruction says that a single dose forThe adult is 200 milligrams of the active ingredient. It can be respectively one or two tablets (depending on the type of capsules). Also, 200 milligrams of ibuprofen is contained in 10 milliliters of the suspension. Multiplicity of such treatment is up to 3-4 times a day. In particularly difficult situations, it is permitted to use a drug of 400 milligrams. However, nursing mothers do not advise it. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1200 milligrams of ibuprofen.

through how much Nurofen acts

Whether there is a sense to accept the children's form of a medicine?

Some women believe that the drug "Nurofen"will be safe for the baby when using a child's form of medicine. However, this opinion is erroneous. The active substance of the drug (ibuprofen) penetrates into breast milk in small amounts. This suggests that the action on the baby is inevitable. However, the child's form of the drug has a lower dosage, which may simply not help an adult woman. It turns out that the treatment had no effect, but had a negative effect on the child.

Is it worth stopping breastfeeding ontreatment time? This question is asked by many women. Doctors say that the drug "Nurofen" with breastfeeding (taken one-time) is not dangerous. However, in the case when the treatment is carried out for one week (as per the instructions), it makes sense to temporarily transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

pills nurofen application

Contraindications to use

The drug "Nurofen" is a medicine and has its contraindications. The following situations can be referred to the main ones:

  • hypersensitivity to one or more of the components of the drug;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, including ulcers;
  • colitis of varying severity;
  • increased blood pressure and heart disease;
  • disorders in the liver and kidneys;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of allergies to the components of the drug in the baby;
  • the need for prolonged treatment (it is recommended to abolish breastfeeding);
  • pathology of the eyes in the acute stage.

Nurofen Nursing Mother

Instead of concluding

How much does Nurofen work?When the prescribed dosage is observed, the effect of the drug comes after 15-20 minutes. If you use the medicine as an antipyretic agent, the effect will be noticeable in 40-50 minutes. Remember that it makes sense to take the medication immediately after the next feeding. In this case, the probability of getting ibuprofen into the baby's body will be minimal. Successes to you and good health!

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