/ / Proteus Syndrome: symptoms and methods of treatment

Proteus Syndrome: Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

To date, Proteus' syndrome is consideredvery rare genetic disease, which is accompanied by unnatural growth of bones, muscle and connective tissues. Unfortunately, the diagnosis and treatment of such a disease is a very difficult and not always possible process.

prostate syndrome

Modern medicine knows only thatProteus' syndrome is a hereditary disease and is associated with a gene mutation. Nevertheless, the mechanism of occurrence of such changes has not been fully studied yet.

Proteus Syndrome: a little history

For the first time such a disease was described in 1979year. It was then that Michael Cohen discovered about 200 cases of this syndrome all over the world. It was this scientist who gave the name of the disease. Proteus is a sea god in Greek mythology. And, according to ancient myths, this deity could change the shape and size of its own body.

Proteus Syndrome: symptoms

In fact, the disease can be accompanied byvarious changes and violations. As a rule, sick children are born completely normal, and only with the years changes begin. It is interesting that in each individual case the symptoms may be different. In some patients, genetic abnormality is determined by chance, since there are no external signs. Other patients, on the contrary, practically all life suffer from discomfort.

Proteus syndrome photos

As already mentioned, Proteus' syndrome (photo)accompanied by proliferation of tissues - it can be muscles, bones, skin, lymphatic and blood vessels, adipose tissue. Sprouting can appear almost anywhere. For example, often increasing the size of the head and limbs, changing their normal shape.

It should be noted that life expectancy atsuch people are declining. They are more prone to problems with the circulatory system (embolism, deep vein thrombosis), as well as oncological diseases and gland lesions.

Proteus' syndrome does not cause a delay in development. But as a result of intensive tissue growth, secondary lesions of the nervous system are possible.

Proteus Syndrome and its treatment

hereditary and congenital diseases

First of all, it should be noted that early diagnosisvery important. The earlier the disease is identified, the more chances a child has for a more comfortable life. Like all hereditary and congenital diseases, this problem does not have a single solution - it is impossible to get rid of the syndrome. But the methods of modern medicine will help to combat the main symptoms.

For example, with the growth of bone tissue,scoliosis, different length of limbs, it is possible to wear special orthopedic adaptations that will help to cope with the problem. If the disease is associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the circulatory system or with tumors, the patient should be under constant medical supervision.

Surgical methods are also often usedtreatment. For example, with the help of operations you can correct the bite, shorten the bones of the fingers, so that a person can use both hands. Sometimes it is necessary to correct the bone and connective tissue of the chest in order to relieve the patient of problems with breathing and swallowing.

In any case, this disease requires constant attention and treatment. This is the only way to extend the life span and improve its quality.

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